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Chaos is the ultimate enemy of the gods and all creation, virtue, and order. It is variously depicted as a devil-like figure, a pervasive force of corruption and disorder, or simply the opposite of order. All evil spirits are believed to originate from and be subservient to (or a part of) Chaos.

Divine Domains

Corruption, Darkness, Destruction, Disorder

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Chaos seeks to destroy all that is perfect and holy. This involves creating disorder, enticing humans to embrace sin and corruption, and even directly fighting the gods.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chaos has existed since the beginning of time. It is described at the very beginning of times as a primordial chaos. The primordial gods brought order to this chaos, creating the world. The world was initially a perfect place where chaos was absent, but Chaos (now personified as a divine antagonist) eventually returned and overthrew the gods.   For a long time, Chaos ruled the world, now a place of darkness, death, and disorder. That is, until Nomos, the God of Order, arose to defeat Chaos once more.   Chaos' defeat was not absolute, however. It left its mark on the world. No longer was the world a perfect place; it was a place where death, decay, and sin exist. Laws and authority, unknown in the perfect First Age, became necessary to keep the influence of Chaos at bay (this is when Nomos became king of the gods and invented law).   However, it's prophesied that Chaos will one day be defeated once and for all, and the world will be perfect once again.

Morality & Philosophy

Chaos opposes all that is moral.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Chaos has no virtue. It created sin and seeks to corrupt the virtuous.
Divine Classification
ancient (as old as the universe)


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