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Nomic Order

The Nomic Order is a monastic order dedicated to Nomo, the God of Order. The focus of their order is spiritual perfection, that is, becoming free from sin. In this way, they are dedicated to eliminating corruption--though not from the world so much as from the self.   Ben, the protagonist of Crisis Transcendent, is a novice of this order.


At the head of any Nomic monastery is the abbot (or abbess). He (or she) is a senior monk (or nun) responsible for overseeing the entire monastery. Their authority is absolute within the monastery. (Of course, they are still subject to the authority of the Order - I'll figure the higher organization out later.)   The senior monks/nuns hold high positions in the monastery. They may be priests, teachers (of the juniors or novices), administrators, and so forth. They may or may not hold positions of direct authority, but their rank grants them a degree of authority nonetheless.   Below the senior monks/nuns are the regular monks/nuns, then the juniors, then the novices. None hold positions of direct authority (as all are overseen by seniors), but any monk/nun or novice is expected to obey anyone of higher standing.


Nomic monasteries are largely cut off from outside society. Since the outside world would distract monks and nuns from their spiritual pursuits, so most never leave the monastery (though some, usually seniors, may be called to preach or prophesy in the world). Monks and nuns spend most of their time in prayer, worship, meditation, and work, though they also have fellowship time to build community.   Though the Order has both monks and nuns, monasteries are single-sex; men and women do not live together.

Granted Divine Powers

Most Nomic monks and nuns are able to use divine magic, and theirs comes from Nomo himself. However, since magical affinity is innate, not all are able to channel his power.
Religious, Monastic Order
Controlled Territories


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