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Rulers with an iron fist have much to learn if they ever seek to dominate as the Queen of Assyria does over her realm. No other being has perfected the art of producing fear as well as respect more than the Final Arbiter and her domain. Whenever a deal is made, whether it is child promising to eat their vegetables or a paladin swearing allegiance to another god, Asiah is said to be presiding over it and acting on it should such an oath be broken. These broken promises can range in punishment from a bad stem of luck to full on divine-wrath, merely depending on the whim of her judgement. Because of this, followers of Asiah and Ator are naturally antagonistic as on occasion, her punishments do not meet the crime. This threat of potential smiting makes oaths and agreements a very real and significant ritual throughout all of Yakon.   In addition to maintaining the deals of the planes, Asiah oversees the realm of Assyria. A plane that deals exclusively in the souls that Chorus deems too chaotic to deserve reincarnation - or those poor souls who made a rather poor trade. Existing in a permanent twilight, Assyria is where the devils of Yakon preside when they are not out conducting contracts with mortals. And while making a deal with a devil can be considered a decision lacking judgement, if the opportunity ever arises for someone to make a deal with Asiah then woe be unto them. For the Queen in Waiting always gets her due.

Divine Domains

  • Order
  • Tyranny
  • War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Asiah is that of a wide, blood red crescent shadowed by a glowing red moon.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Unbreakable Oath: Once a promise has been made, it is to be kept without exception. Honor your word, for the spoken oath is a binding contract that carries the weight of divine judgement. Should a cleric of Asiah betray their word, may the Final Arbiter's judgement be swift upon them.
  • The Firm Hand of Punishment: Those who break their oaths must face punishment, for the divine wrath of Asiah is firm and unyielding. Let her sentences serve as a reminder of the consequences of deceit.
  • The Enforcer of Order: Maintain order through all means necessary. Act as an enforcer of laws, oaths, and contracts, ensuring that chaos is suppressed and the realm remains under control.
  • The Condemnation of Chaos: Profess chaos as the true enemy of law and stability. Root out any and all forms of dissidence, whether it stems from rebellion, insubordination, dereliction, or disobedience.
  • Duty to Assyria: Recognize the significance that Assyria holds as the plane where chaotic souls are held in check. The devils of Assyria preside on this plane when not conducting contracts on Yakon; work with them, and see that Assyria forever holds as a bastion against chaos.
  • War is But One Tool: View war and conflict as a tool that establishes and maintains peace when necessary. It is the duty of the strong to bring lawfulness to the chaotic and subdue those who resist.
  • The Queen in Waiting's Due: Accede that Asiah is owed respect, allegiance, and devotion from her followers. Be prepared to offer not only sacrifice, but service as well to the Queen in Waiting as a sign of loyalty and submission.


Contacts & Relations

  • Oath-keepers
  • Oath-breakers
  • Barristers
  • The Compulsive

Religious Views

  • Deals and Oaths
  • Compulsion
  • Assyria
  • Judgement and Punishment
Lawful Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Queen in Waiting
  • The Dealer in the Dark
  • The Empress to Devils
  • The Final Arbiter
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "The price of deceit is misery, and I am the collector of dues."
  • "You thought your oath a formality? A mere trinket to discard when it's convenient? I'll show you what it means to bear the weight of your words."
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Alena Nadeinskaya


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