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Ator can be perceived by those who don't worship him as heartless, potentially callous. But to those who are guilty of crimes he is relentless, with some even calling his fervor for justice merciless. Those that choose to follow in the footsteps of Ator, however, see him as he truly is - the impartial judge of the prime material plane. He seeks the truth of things, and for justice to be found no matter where injustices may be hiding.    Despite his unrelenting nature, Ator and his throng firmly believe in ensuring that the punishment suits the crime. Many of his worshipers train to wield heavy armor and to use a greatsword as easily as their lord does.

Divine Domains

Light, Order, and War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is that of a circle with a greatsword coming through the center of it.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Pursuit of Truth: Followers of Ator believe that the first step toward justice is the unwavering pursuit of truth. Seek out the facts, uncover what's hidden, and expose the truth.
  • Impartiality is Paramount: In order for true justice to be brought about, impartiality is a fundamental requirement. Even if it means being perceived as unyielding or even merciless.
  • Deeds Over Appearances: Ator's faithful understand that appearances can be deceptive. Judge a character not by their physical appearance, rather by their actions and the impact they have on the world.
  • Defender of the Weak: Protect the weakened, downtrodden, and innocent from harm. It is your sacred duty to do so.
  • Stalwart Against Corruption: Remain ever watchful for the insidious creep of corruption and the abuse of power that lurks with it. Corruption erodes the foundations of justice, and it must be rooted out wherever it takes hold.
  • Encourage Redemption: While justice is paramount, Ator's followers also value the opportunity for redemption. Offer those who have strayed from the path of righteousness a chance to make amends, for Ator believes in the possibility of redemption.


Contacts & Relations

  • Paladins
  • Judges
  • The Innocent
  • The Resolute

Religious Views

  • Law
  • Order
  • Free the innocent
  • Punish the wicked
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The High Judge
  • Lightsworn
  • Bastion

Character Portrait image: by Othon Nikolaidis


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