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Casimir is a name that is conjured only in the most dire of circumstances. From the beggar living on the streets of Everrim to the farmers of the Eshan plains, all fear Father Famine and the promises he makes. He says he can do it all, but only provides to a select few, while others find themselves consumed entirely by his unending hunger. But when that beggar finds their cheeks gaunt and the farmer's crop is slain by blight, that seed of want is already planted by Casimir. For he knows that soon enough, he shall have more willing participants to his grand feast.

Divine Domains

Famine, Death, Strength

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bull frog with its mouth agape looking upward, a marsh tree is sprouting from out of the frogs mouth.

Tenets of Faith

  • Scarcity as a Crucible: Embrace scarcity as a test of one's fortitude and conviction. Through trials of want, you can uncover what power and resilience is buried deep within your gullet, proving your worth to Casimir.
  • The Drive for Personal Gain: Ambition and the pursuit for personal gain aren't inherently evil, rather the driving force behind improvement and domination.
  • The Allure of Desperation: Recognize the allure of desperation, as it breeds obedience and submission. Act as the savior towards those in anguish, and offer relief in exchange for unwavering loyalty to Casimir's cause.
  • The Cycle of Consumption: Casimir's teachings revolve around the concept of a perpetual cycle of famine and fulfillment named the Cycle of Consumption. You are encouraged to both feed and starve your desires, reinforcing your resolve.
  • Survival Through Subjugation: Dominance and control are essential for survival, seize whatever form of power you can, and use it to ensure your own prosperity.
  • Strength in Sacrifice: Strength can be found within sacrifice, and is a source of commitment and determination in the eyes of Casimir. You are encouraged to willingly give a part of yourself to Casimir in order to prove your loyalty.
  • The Promise of Feast: Adopt the promise of feast that Casimir offers, where his influence spreads and those under his sway flourish. Pledge to be a willing participant in his grand feast of ambition, and submit to his all-consuming will.
  • Loyalty Above All: Above all else, pledge your unwavering loyalty to Casimir. Dedicate yourself to his cause and prioritize his will in all your actions and decisions.


Contacts & Relations

  • The Starving
  • The Desperate
  • The Ambitious
  • The Greedy

Religious Views

  • Famine
  • Aspirations and Ambition
  • Greed
  • Desperation
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Yearning Maw
  • Father Famine
  • The Missing Piece
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I can fill that pit in your gullet, fulfill your yearning. All you gotta do is submit to my will, become one of my servants. I'm always in the market looking for morsels."

Character Portrait image: by Kevin Pun


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