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Many fear the finality of death. Many more fear what happens if Chorus' flock cannot be heard at the time of their final breaths. Chorus acts as the shepherd, the safeguard to the adrift, his echo being heard in the swirling mass of fog when a soul departs their mortal coil.   As Chorus maintains the Endless Echo, the process of reincarnation all over Yakon, he and his devout have become the sworn enemies to the forces of the undead. Chorus sees these entities and those who attempt to summon them as dissidents to the natural state of the world. The undead are abominations that upset the balance that Chorus upholds and he and his followers will do what they can to cleanse them from this world.   This belief causes immense friction between himself and Morticia, as she implicitly acts in her own, unknown interests of removing souls from the Echo, and creating undead that exist in her plane of Transience. An endless war has been waged between these two for millennia, and while they do not conflict on the prime material plane itself, clerics of these gods have been fighting in their respective deities' names for just as long.

Divine Domains

Grave, Balance, and Peace

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Chorus is that of a torn wing.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Cycle: Death is a part of the natural cycle of life, and it isn't to be interfered with or manipulated. Trust in the orderly procession of souls from life to death and back to life.
  • Shepherd the Lost: As a follower of Chorus, it is your sacred duty to act as a shepherd for lost souls. Guide them gently back into the Endless Echo, the cycle of reincarnation, ensuring they find their place in its grand design.
  • Compassion Towards the Awoken: Caring for the Awoken is an act of mercy and they should be granted any courtesy afforded that is also given to you. The Soul is a curious thing, and the weight of past sins can sometimes be brought to the surface.
  • The Abomination of Undeath: The undead are a mistake, a disruption of the natural order. See to it that any who practice Necromancy are swiftly delivered to Chorus to face judgement.
  • Reconciliation Towards the Misguided: If a worshiper of Morticia can be seen to reason, bring them back towards the cacophony of Chorus' will.
  • Judgement Towards the Unyielding: If a worshiper of Morticia cannot be seen to reason, send them hurling towards the deepest throngs of Asiah's domain in Assyria.
  • Guide the Fleeting: Be a guiding light for those who are nearing the end of their mortal journey. Offer solace, companionship, and a comforting presence as they transition from life to death.


Contacts & Relations

  • The Dying and the Dead
  • The Awoken
  • Guides

Religious Views

  • Life and Death
  • The Endless Echo
  • Cleanse the Undead
  • Guiding
Divine Classification
True Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Cacophonous Echo
  • The Winged Finality
  • The Silent Observer
Aligned Organization


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