BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Matron of the Four Moons, The Lady of Stars, The Keeper of Tomes; Titles that Lilith has claimed while researching the mysteries of the universe within the Astral Sea. With the recent Galian discovery that magic could potentially be sourced from the cosmos and beyond, many wizards and knowledge seekers have found themselves seeing Lilith as their patron deity. Her original followers however, were not those who sought to unlock the secrets of magic or the unknown, but those who would observe the very heavens, determining Lilith's will by reading her constellations and keeping nature in check all while underneath the night sky.   Lilith was originally a member of the Pantheon of Balance as she controlled everything pertaining to the night sky and all that which resided within it. Druids of all circles would find comfort under the star-scape as Lilith's domain shined confidently overhead. Although as time went on, Lilith started to become increasingly popular among the scholars and casters of the world causing a divide amongst her worshipers. In an attempt to bridge this divide, many druids decided the best course of action was to educate her new followers on the original foundation of Lilith's role in Yakon's history.

Divine Domains

Stars, Arcana, and Knowledge

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A shattered star broken at the end of five points.

Tenets of Faith

  • Cosmic Wisdom: There is wisdom to be found within the cosmos and celestial bodies of the Astral Sea. Seek to understand the stars, for they are the keys to unlocking hidden knowledge.
  • The Virtue of Curiosity: Embrace curiosity as a virtue that fuels your quest for enlightenment. After all, for from curiosity is understanding born.
  • Preserve and Record: As Lilith is the Keeper of Tomes, her followers are similarly instructed to record and preserve knowledge. Be the custodians of wisdom, ensuring that it's passed down through the generations.
  • Harmony with the Natural World: Seek harmony with nature, and strive to seek balance with both the celestial and terrestrial realms.
  • Beacons of Illumination: Illuminate the darkness that surrounds the world. Act as the beacon of knowledge that you are by sharing what you know in order to dispel ignorance wherever it may be lurking.
  • The Art of Observation: Cultivate the art of observation and star-gazing. By studying the night sky, you connect with Lilith's original followers and gain insights into the natural rhythms of the world.
  • Teaching and Mentorship: Embrace the role of teacher and mentor. Pass on your knowledge to others, nurturing the inquisitive minds of future generations.
  • Unity in Diversity: Celebrate the diversity inherent to knowledge and perspective. Just as the night sky is adorned with countless stars, recognize the value in the myriad of ideas and experiences that enrich our world.


Contacts & Relations

  • Druids
  • Scholars
  • Arcane Casters
  • The Inquisitive

Religious Views

  • The Stars
  • Knowledge
  • The Unknown
  • Magic
Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Matron of the Four Moons
  • The Lady of Stars
  • The Keeper of Tomes

Character Portrait image: by Anne Helme


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