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While certain deities such as Asiah do their best to ensure the promises and oaths of Yakon are maintained, Morticia acts as the personal foil to her Loss-dwelling bedfellow. Morticia is a deity that is an outcast in a pantheon of outcasts and has few allies except for those who devote themselves to her baneful cause. Goddess of decay, betrayal, change, and progress, Morticia is the physical manifestation of people's innate fear of deception and the greatest transition one can experience, the end of their current, mortal life.   Morticia also represents the facets of change and progress, both good and bad, and inspires her worshipers to challenge themselves while devoting themselves to her will. Clerics of Morticia travel the land and encourage weary people of drastically altering their lives as they believe that there is nothing more freeing than leaving behind a stagnant life.   Many priests and priestesses of Yakon oversee funeral rites most closely related to the departed's deity as well as their own. However, a common ritual is performed to aid Chorus in locating lost souls before the cold grasp of Morticia removes them from the cycle of reincarnation. For what purposes the sightless mockery of a priestess collects these souls for isn't quite known. Many believe she is slowly accumulating the forlorn to create an endless horde of undead, while some believe she is performing her own twisted method of saving the deceased. Whatever the truth may be, The Blinded Guide is always watching, and her followers are ever eager to improve their standing with their mistress.

Divine Domains

  • Undead
  • Death
  • Freedom
  • Chaos

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Morticia is that of a withered, decaying flower resting inside a massive tome.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Elegance of Decay: Recognize the inherent beauty in decay. Embrace the idea that endings and transitions can be as exquisite as beginnings.
  • Welcome Change: Understand that bringing about change is the ultimate form of freedom. Welcome change in all its forms, even if it means breaking away from the stagnant and the familiar.
  • The Nature of Undeath: Acknowledge that the undead are not fundamentally different from the awoken; they are simply a different form of existence for the soul. Respect and appreciate the unique qualities of undeath.
  • Betrayal as a Catalyst: View betrayal as a powerful force of social decay and renewal. At its core, betrayal can be a means of challenging the status quo and instigating change.
  • Seek Personal Growth: The teachings of Morticia have her followers go and seek out personal progress and growth. Challenge yourself to leave behind a stagnant life and embrace change as a means of achieving greater heights. Embrace challenges and adversity as opportunities for personal advancement and encourage others to break away from their comfort zones.
  • The Twisted Beauty of Transformation: Appreciate that Morticia embodies the twisted beauty of transformation. Embrace the dichotomy of her influence, understanding that progress can come with a price.
  • The Blinded Guide's Watchful Eye: Remember that despite her sight, Morticia is ever-watchful; and her followers are expected to continuously improve their standing with her. Dedicate yourself to her cause and the pursuit of transience, even if it means betraying the old for the promise of the new.


Contacts & Relations

  • Betrayers
  • The Decaying and the Dead
  • Visionaries
  • Necromancers

Religious Views

  • Death
  • Betrayal
  • Change and Progress - Bring about change
  • Guiding
Divine Classification
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Mother Duplicity
  • The Vestal of Atrophy
  • The Blinded Guide 
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Yin Zhe


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