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The Doyen of Expansion, The Augmenter, the Restless. All titles given to a god who incites his followers to constantly break boundaries themselves. Rorgit desires to see development and expansion happen as he believes it is the natural order of things, for civilization to constantly develop further and further outward. Many of his followers go days without sleep as they seek to further their knowledge of things and evolve the world evermore. There are many theories that placate Rorgit as the father of the Hashyx crystal, his gift to the material plane in order to enhance the technological capabilities of its denizens. While this idea is very popular amongst Rorgit's devout, there are those within more scholarly circles who ascribe the origins of this material to other, less celestial manifestations.   Rorgit personally favors and holds sway over many of the dwarf and gnome populations across Yakon. This favoritism has made him the patron deity of the Doma Mazhid, the Dwarf kingdom that resides across and along the Dominating Rise mountain range. As the Doma Mazhid is the most technologically progressed nation on Yakon, many works of nigh on fiction have been ascribed to the direct influence of Rorgit's designs.

Divine Domains

Forge, Knowledge, and Ambition

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is that of a raised fist surrounded in flame, with a hammer about to make impact against the knuckle.

Tenets of Faith

  • The Primacy of Progress: Understand that, in Rorgit's eyes, the pursuit of technological progress is paramount. Morals and ethics should not hinder the path to true industrial revolution, as the advancement of society will benefit future generations.
  • The Quest for Understanding: Seek to better understand the world around you, and how it functions. Use that knowledge to advance the world for those that come after you.
  • The Divine Gift of Hashyx: Recognize Hashyx Crystals as a divine material, a gift from Rorgit himself. Use them sparingly and with great reverence. Reserve them for only the most worthy and ambitious projects.
  • The Flame of Creation: See creation as a fiery forge, where ideas and inspiration are molded into reality. Look towards the symbol of Rorgit and understand that your creative endeavors are a testament to your devotion.
  • Steadfast Dedication: Exhibit unwavering dedication to your chosen field of expertise. Let your work be a testament to your commitment towards advancement and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • Unyielding Ambition: Embrace the spark of ambition within you and tirelessly strive to achieve greatness. Let your goals fuel your pursuits of innovation, pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible and reach new heights.


Contacts & Relations

  • Smiths
  • Inventors
  • Dwarfs
  • The Ambitious

Religious Views

  • Smithing
  • Technological Advancement
  • Ambition
  • Progression
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Doyen of Expansion
  • The Augmenter
  • The Restless
  • The Resolute Flame

Character Portrait image: by Io Tikhaya


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