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Sariel is one of the oldest gods to have a devout following on Yakon. The Horned Lady ensures the protection of the wilds and the animals that call those untouched locales their home. Those who find themselves disrupting these wildlands are quick to earn themselves the ire of Sariel, who is not known to show mercy towards intruders of the untamed lands. Such grievances have led to many confrontations between herself and Rorgit, who wishes for his followers to manufacture and expand on any and all available landscapes.   Many hunters pray for permission to hunt in the wilds, performing various rites and ensuring every piece of the hunted animal is used so as to properly thank it for its sacrifice. Such presentations entertain the surprisingly whimsical Sariel, and would lead to her obtaining a steady stream of worshipers from those who would make their living in the wild.   This foundation has led to many rural villages all over Yakon honoring Sariel as their patron deity, as they learn to live in harmony with the wilds surrounding them. Another ritual that has become more common over the years is the farmers of these villages asking druids of Sariel to bless their fields, crop, and harvest. Doing so helps to minimize the chances for blighted farms, animal infestations, or other maladies that could threaten the agriculture of Yakon's denizens.

Divine Domains

Nature, Balance, and Beasts

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Sariel is that of a portrait view of a horned woman.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect for the Wilds: Acknowledge the importance of respecting nature and the untamed wilderness. Live in harmony with the natural world, discern that it is a source of life and sustenance.
  • Harmony with Beasts: Recognize that the relationship between man and beast is a sacred bond. Treat animals with the same reverence and respect as you would your fellow man. Honor their role in the balance of the wilds.
  • Bountiful Harvest: Honor the creatures you hunt by using every part of them, showing gratitude for their sacrifice. Ensure that your actions contribute to the integrity of the ecosystem.
  • Coexistence and Unity: Embrace the idea of coexisting with the natural world rather than trying to dominate it. Seek unity with the wilds as nature is a complex web of interconnectedness.
  • Community: Just as herds of animals share a powerful connection between themselves, so too should Sariel's devout. Foster a strong sense of community within rural villages. Teach the populace to live in tranquility with their natural surroundings, encouraging practices that minimize harm to the environment.
  • Guardianship of Nature: Accept the duty of being a guardian of nature's delicate balance. Protect the wilds from those who would sow destruction by any means necessary.
  • The Unyielding Horned Lady: Understand that Sariel is unyielding in her protection of the wildlands. Those who seek to exploit or harm nature unjustly will face her wrath. Uphold her principles of balance and respect to avoid her ire.


Contacts & Relations

  • Animals
  • Druids
  • Hunters
  • Villagers

Religious Views

  • Animals
  • The Wilds
  • Hunting
  • Farming
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Horned Lady
  • The Beast of Whimsy
  • Doyer's Bane
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Emmy Wahlbäck


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