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Woe to those dreamers who meet the Lord of Nightmares in his domain, for there is no greater way to be forced to confront your greatest fears face to face. Those that manage to retain their sanity quickly find themselves trapped in his infinite nightmare, longing for daylight to pierce through the windows in their home. Should the waking hours still be a realm away, many more pray for the aid of Tesselin and his jackals to combat his eternal rival of the Dream. As more and more creatures began to call the prime material plane home, many more find themselves entering Sura's domain as they sleep. It wasn't until the birth of Tesselin was Sura's power rivaled within the Dream. An eternal battle is constantly raging, day by day, night by night, until ultimately a victor is decided.   Sura is the creator of the werebeast populations of Yakon, as they are nothing more than physical manifestations of their greatest fears given form in the waking world. Nights in which Sura's power waxes over Tesselin's is when that transformative seed is given root, forcing men to become that which they fear most.   Sura is a timeless being that inhabited the Dream long before it became known as such. As malicious as he may be, Sura is more like a force of nature driven by instinct and it is not known who or what created him in the first place. All that is known is that his will over others is paramount and second to none. Many of those who worship Sura have known untold suffering, and even his projected nightmares struggle to pierce these few, "blessed" individuals. They come out of relations with Sura with an iron resolve, and just a touch of madness to compensate.

Divine Domains

  • Dream
  • Madness
  • Strife

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Sura is that of a withering tree, with what looks like cracks beginning to form at the roots and base of the tree.

Tenets of Faith

  • Protection of the Astral Dream: Recognize the paramount importance of safeguarding the Astral Dream. Act as its guardian, defending it from those who would seek to manipulate or exploit it.
  • The Nightmarish Honorific: Consider it an incredible honor to be blessed with the form of a physical nightmare, the manifestation of your greatest fears made real. Embrace your metamorphosis and the power it brings you.
  • A Mental Fortitude: Hold great reverence for individuals of iron will who manage to withstand the horrors of the Dream. These tenacious souls are to be admired for their fortitude in the face of madness.
  • Embracing Madness: Ascribe to the idea that madness is a justifiable price for attempting to understand and manipulate the Dream. Embrace the insanity that may accompany any encounters you may have with those of Sura's influence.
  • The Call of Mania: View madness as a potential path to enlightenment. Explore the depths of your own psyche and the mysteries of the dream, even if it may lead to the formation of a new headspace.
  • Face Your Fears: Face your fears with the mindset as though they are a test of your resilience and resolve. Challenge your trauma's face to face and emerge from these trials with a strengthened and reinvigorated spirit.
  • The Dreamtide War: Know your place within the eternal war between the forces of Sura and Tesselin in the Astral Dream. Recognize that this battle for dominance shapes the very fabric of the Dream and strive to contribute to Sura's victory.


Contacts & Relations

  • Dreamers
  • Were-Beasts
  • The Hopeless
  • Madmen

Religious Views

  • The Astral Dream
  • Were-Beasts
  • Madness
  • Strife and Endurance
Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lord of the Nightmare
  • Progenitor of Werebeasts
  • The Wolf in Man's Clothing
  • The Caretaker
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Anders Rockum


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