BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


The Astral Dream is a plane that requires the utmost care and attention. Of the two deities who preside over such a nebulous domain, Tesselin grants dreamers access to pleasant visions of their innermost desires. This insight allows people to realize their innermost potential, although it doesn't detail how long and arduous such a road to realize that potential will be. Much to the concern of Tesselin, many people have dropped their standings in life to follow these dreams only to come out with nothing to show for it.   Despite this, Tesselin is considered one of the kinder and more generous of the gods of Balance, who are generally known for their neutrality and priority to the well being of nature. A lesser known facet of Tesselin's work is his relations with the variety of were-beasts that exist on Yakon. Were-beasts are products of Sura and the Nightmare, an infection that seeps through people's most vivid nightmares and makes those terrors a reality. Tesselin does his best to aid the victims of Sura when he can, granting them their humanity for extended periods of time - but Tesselin's power is occasionally waned by his rival and it is then when the true horrors are released.

Divine Domains

Dreams, Hope, and Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol of Tesselin is that of a shining rod standing atop a hill.

Tenets of Faith

  • Protection of the Astral Dream: Recognize the paramount importance of safeguarding the Astral Dream, a realm of boundless potential and inspiration. It is your duty to protect this ethereal realm, ensuring it remains a safe-haven for the dreamers that visit it.
  • Aid for the Victims of Sura: Victims of Sura's infection are just that, victims that deserve your aid and mercy. Recognize them for what they are and assist them in their struggles against the horrors unleashed by their nightmares.
  • Balancing Dreams and Reality: Understand that aspirations and dreams are vital to personal growth, but also acknowledge the importance of pursuing practical and accessible paths. Balancing ambition with realism can lead to greater fulfillment.
  • The Power of Self-Sacrifice: Embrace the concept that self-sacrifice for the well-being of others is a noble and honorable act. To put the needs of others before oneself demonstrates the highest form of compassion and empathy.
  • Preserving Humanity: Recognize the challenges faced by were-beasts infected by Sura. Advocate for their humanity, as Tesselin does, and support efforts that help them retain their humanoid form for extended periods.
  • Dreams as a Source of Guidance: Recognize that dreams can provide valuable guidance and insight for yourself. Pay attention to the messages and symbols within your own dreams, as they may hold the keys to unlocking your true potential.


Contacts & Relations

  • Dreamers
  • Were-Beasts
  • Aspirants

Religious Views

  • The Astral Dream
  • Were-Beasts
  • Self-Sacrifice
  • Aspiration
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Jackal of the Dream
  • Dreambearer
  • The Sheep in Wolf's Clothing
  • The Shepard of Stories
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Senkkei


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