Oyakawa Clan
The Oyakawa clan and its people are manly seamen and fishes. The clan also have a formidable war fleet and is considered to be the best sailors in Ryuugen Province.
The isles of the Oyakawas may seem remote and closed to outsiders, but visitors actually are most welcome anywhere they go.
Oyakawa Michiko - Seishitsu (Wife)
Oyakawa Niwa - 1th Born (Male)
Oyakawa Umeda - 2th Born (Male) (Toda Hostage)
Oyakawa Sakamoto - 3th Born (Male)
Oyakawa Tsuji - 4th Born (Female)
Oyakawa Yutaka - 5th Born (Male)
Oyakawa Main Family
Oyakawa Morimoto - Family HeadOyakawa Michiko - Seishitsu (Wife)
Oyakawa Niwa - 1th Born (Male)
Oyakawa Umeda - 2th Born (Male) (Toda Hostage)
Oyakawa Sakamoto - 3th Born (Male)
Oyakawa Tsuji - 4th Born (Female)
Oyakawa Yutaka - 5th Born (Male)