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Caer Ulthelaen

Despite his relativly young age Caer was one of the Hiyndurill elves' officiers for their scouts. His excellent mind for strategy and tactics let him quickly gain the attention of Olyvjaer Delaraen.   His mother Yura served as one of Olyvjaer's guards decades ago and instilled a pride in their heritage into Caer and his twin sister Nalia. Caer couldn't wait to join the guardian's of the forest and trained hard to become an asset for them, but he also showed wisdom beyond his age.     His ability to be emotionless while planning letting a cool head previal made him a good choice to lead scouts, who needed to be several steps ahead. He also showed a good eye for character when choosing his troops. Caer even reached out to elves living in the border regions of the Realm building up an operatives network Olyvjaer could rely on.     While being known as cold and not to lose his head when it came to his duties as guardian of the forest, he had a bit of a temper when it came to personal things. His role as spy master tunred him guarded and close to the chest, but those who could pass his shield were able to push his buttons.       Beyond serving in the war between the Hiyndurill Forest elves and the Realm of the Middle, for some time even side by side with Keijo Artanis, Caer gained a lot of experience joining Alvery Vestergaard on several of her adventures. Among which the twins also travelled to Rivgraad and were informed about the elven attack on the town as well as the cultists captured by Bran in the Dutchy of Merrildyn. Nalia and him were part of those who helped clearing Elandirill of the undead and other threats as the Gloomstalker beasts nesting in the southern region.   The initial meeting with Alvery was in 436 YoU when she, Ori and Keijo came for the first time to the Hiyndurill forest and Keijo's heritage was uncovered. While Caer was suspicious and watchful back then it was nothing compared to Alvery's second visit when she was accompained by the drow Vanarel Triranadal and the human Dorn Brashard. Even as Dorn risked his life to protect Nalia and later helped save an unconscious Caer, the mistrust didn't vanish. It would take several more years of fighting side by side and Dorn throwing himself into deadly attacks meant for Caer, Nalia and Keijo before the spymaster would be able to look beyond the danger the human posed and see him for a potential ally that could be relied upon. Nalia always claimed that her twin brother and Dorn were too similar to fully trust each other, both playing the role of watchful guardians and deadly problem solvers for those they were following.   During the time spent at Elandirill helping Alvery rumors spread of a demonic army threatening Korbel. As Dorn went missing after going on a mission to find out more, Caer and Nalia joined Keijo, Vanarel and Alvery to investigate the situation.   After several weeks of traveling the south eastern end of the Griffon mountains the party encountered cultists of Qharnate, but also traces of Dorn and his two companions. Racing to reach those Alvery's group just came in time to save badly beaten trio from a minotaur hunting pack lead by a powerful champion. Together the group also defended themselves against a even larger mass of cultists and demons chasing them.    Reuinted Dorn shared the results of their reconnaissance of the area further east up to Korbel. A huge army of cultists, gnolls, minotaurs and demons was reading itself to besiege the town. Alvery decided to ask the Thayne clan for help and fall into the back of the assailants to stop the spread of demons. Caer and Nalia were both curious to see how large of a threat the demons would actually turn out to be as the half-elf had previously tried to warn Olyvjaer Dalaraen about experiences she and other had made. One of the reasons the elven warlord was willing to let his spymaster join Alvery during the reclaimation of Elandirill was also to gain knowledge about what elven knowledge was there to be recovered, but also if the 'human' conflict with demons would endanger the elves of the forest.   After meeting with the clan leader of the people of Bhaergraad Alvery lead her party in the vanguard to reach Korbel as soon as possible. Caer and Nalia were part of the group that lead by the half-elf charged into the back of cultists leading a house-tall demon that was attempting to tear down the western gate of the city. Dispatching of that threat for the town, Alvery's party consisting of her elven friends as well as the clan warriors Dorn, Hjaal and Nynthia, joined the defenders within the town.   Battling against a party of flying demons attempting to take the battlements and stopping a gnoll breakthrough that had spread into the streets the group finially had to stand up to main push into the settlement as a second 'goristro' siege demon had successfully brought down the north eastern gate into the town. Rushing to aid the quickly fading defenders the war party cut the demon down while battling with more and more cultists and screaming demons appearing out of the bloodpools of the fallen. The final push from the cultists was lead by their general, a corrupted goliath clan warrior that slaughtered Hjaal as his bodyguard fought Alvery's party as well as the re-enforcing Thayne clan warriors. The hard fought battle ended as Dorn decapitated the warlord, but the fighting continued in shape of a wild butchery that spread through the town. Most clan warriors lost themselves in the rage influenced by Qharnate's demand for more blood and destruction. The bloodlust only subsided once the army ravaging the town was confronted by a force from Saara that arrived in the harbour to evacuate the civilians from Korbel.   With that experience made Nalia and Caer would return back to Olyvjaer after the campaign. In the meantime they also noticed the spread of gnolls and minotaurs through out the frontline between the Realm and the elves of the forest. The twins warned Olyvjaer that Alvery's assumptions of a continent wide demonic threat was actually reasonable and that it wouldn't be a human only problem as many elves claimed it to be. Both elves also exerpienced the temple of Litheth and though Caer was sceptical, the story there was not to be swept away as easily after seeing demons and their effects from himself.   While both twins' perspective of Alvery and Elandirill was reaffirmed, Olyvjaer still had his doubts and deployed them back at the front to deal with the beast threats stemming from the gnolls and minotaurs, as well as to rejoin the war effort.   The next couple of years the twins spent most of the time fighting the Qharante beastial followers than humans from the Realm as those started to avoid the regions where the beasts were spreading. On a visit from Keijo and Dorn they once again fought side by side taking down a large gnoll pack including their leader chosen by Qharnate together with his demonic pet.   A short time after in the year 442 Alvery also visited to arrange peace talks between the Elves and the Realm on behalf of Eivan van Rytthavs. After talking with Olyvjaer supported by the twins she even went back to the Realm to escort the king to the Hiyndurill forest for the elven warlord and him to meet and discuss possible peace talks. Caer would then be charged with securing the actual peace summit, since he could be trusted also by Alvery to make sure it would go smoothly.   Alvery also made a request for the twins if possible to join her in Elandirill after the peace talks as her new dutchy was threatened by lord Siegfried van Baellinger and his mercenary army. So at the end of summer in 442 Nalia and Caer gathered two dozen elven warriors and joined the defenders of Elandirill against the man claiming the ownership of the land.     The campaign against lord Baellinger was short as his army marched through the lands of Elandirill. Dorn and Caer advocated a guerilla campaign that would target the armies supplies once the army would be deep enough in Alvery's territory. Surrouned by land plagued by undead and far enough from Elandirill as well as the friendly land of the Realm, the army would be starved and then ambushed to pick valuable fighters before a final battle would be offered.   Nalia and Caer each lead a small force, like many others did during the first ambuscade on the sleeping mercenary army. All of those assault groups targeted the baggage train carts with food, burning them and slaughtering their defenders. The successful raids campaign continued as the wood elves baited the enemy cavalry to follow them into the plains two days later where they were pick off by allied horsed clansmen. In a final raid Caer's and Nalia's parties tied up enemy forces as Alvery and her companions together with the Owl Guard would kill the elves supporting lord Baellinger under the cover of darkness.   After these initial engagements the battered mercenary army lined up in sight of Elandirill faced by a far smaller force of mainly clans warriors. The twins had their elven party prepared in a small piece of wood that would enable them to breach the enemy line's weakpoint between the center and flank element. Their task would be to open a small corridor where lady Alvery and Bran van Sparkhammer together with the Owl Guard would be able to pass through and lead the attack against the enemy commanders. Once again successful in their task the elves gave Alvery the opportunity to strike at the heart of the enemy force and decapitate it thus breaking their moral and winning the day.   After the successful defense and following celebrations Caer and Nalia would return to the Hiyndurill forest, where a couple months later they would be visited by Bloddwyn Bluainach and his companions. During the celebration in Elandirill it was Dorn who introduced the monster hunter, who needed Nalia's help to travel the Feywild in search of one of his companions.
Current Location
Year of Birth
298 Y.o.U. 144 Years old

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