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Dorn Brashard

Son of a sailing merchant from Rombella and a harbour clerc from Rivgraad Dorn grew up mostly around sailors and ships. He spent his childhood in Rivgraad, where his mother Una taught him history and encouraged him to spend time with children as they learned to fight. Due to his father not being a clan member, Dorn didn't join the clan, but was welcomed to learn with the other children. While his darker skin made him stick out his ferocity made him fit in with the other younglings.     I. Adventures along the Blood Coast:   As a teenager he then joined his father sailing around the Blood Coast, where he also draw first blood defending the ship against pirates. After a bloody raid that had several crewmen killed or severly maimed, had many of the surviors retire. Among those was also Dorn's father. Dorn on the other hand developed a hunger for the excitement of battle and adventure after facing near death.   After returning home to Rivgraad he met Nynthia of the Thyjane clan. One day on the way to a finishing village the two witness a group of bandits terrorizing the small settlement. Together they dispatched the thread and chased down the leader at his camp. The two discovered that they worked well together and thus started to work as bountyhunters. After a few months of hunting bandits the young women though wanted to venture back home to Bhaergraad through the mountains. Dorn, still seeking more adventure and new challenges, offered to accompany her on this dangerous journey. A journey that had them face wolf packs lead by a dangerous winter wolf as well as several yetis just to be waylayed by clan warriors lurking for easy pray. Once the two reached Bhaergraad Dorn spent a couple of weeks to recover from his journey and learn from the local clan. Besides getting tattoos to memorate his journey Nynthia also presented him with a cloak made from the pelt of the winter wolf they both faced.   While Nynthia decided to stay at her home Dorn traveled on to experience more of this homelands. His path soon lead to slavers from Korbel that were hunting clan members and who ever else they could get a hold of. Dorn raided one of their camps freeing a clan Thyjane goliath called Hjaal and together they decided to stop this threat. After a few days of chasing the slavers they found and fought the mage leading them. Raiding the ruins at night the two clan warriors were able to defeat the mage hurling firey spells at them. They also found a imprisoned bard from Aaredem called Rajsha. Forming a group they wanted to find out more about the slavers operation and travelled to Korbel.   At Korbel they quickly were confronted by members of the townsguard working with the slavers. Forced to leave the city the trio ventured to Saara to lick their many wounds. There they met Ravenna, an aasimar looking for vengeance against slavers who killed her husband and stole her child. Rested and with their new ally they returned to Korbel to find the slavers behind this operation. Once party found the hideout they assaulted it killing several bandits as well members of the townguard supporting them. Yet their raid had also freed four children that were hold at the camp. The group decided to bring those to Saara not willing to release them to their fate in a city that had such strong connections to slavers   The journey though took a wrong turn and the group ended up in the Stone Desert, chased by demons. After a day of fighting off fiendish hunters they managed to reach Saara and parted ways with Ravenna, but they decided to bring the children to Aaradem where Rajsha knew who to reach out to for help.   The trio finally found some well earned rest in Aaradem exploring the city and culture that was so alien to Dorn and Hjaal. With the children taken care of and wounds healed Rajsha announced that she would like to return to her journey to see the Griffin Mountains and Eversted. Dorn offered to accompany her for he as well wanted to see the largest city of the world. Hjaal on the other hand just wanted to return home to Bhaergraad. So they ventured together back to where their journey had started.   Dorn was welcomed by Loghain, the chief of the Thyjane clan, for his help of cleaning the clan territory of slavers and twice helping clan members without any demands. The chief presented the young warrior with 'Stormbringer' - an handaxe blessed by Kajlean. Dorn once again took the chance to add to his tattoos expanding them based on his adventures.   Rajsha and Dorn encounted on their journey through the mountains two merchants, who were leading their carts north to Bruuksdorv, but where unprotected. Dorn offered them to join together just in case, as there was always a chance of being attacked by wildlife or the rare group of bandits. As the newely formed tiny carawan moved on they ended up being attacked by a strange group of highwaymen. The group didn't seem interested in the goods or gold, instead they just were looking for people to kill. The two adventurers managed to put down the attackers, but only after losing one of the two merchants.
  II. New Friends, New Foes:   As they reached Bruuksdorv the two of them were approached by Premusz Lunden, the surviving merchant, for he planned to travel back to Rivgraad and wanted to hire them as protection. Rajsha though wanted to continue her journey while Dorn was too concerned about the strange attack. The two friends parted ways after a day and night of lighthearted fun at the local festival in Bruuksdorv, where Dorn won the melee competition and Rajsha enthralled everybody with her performances at the talent show. The two also met a new group of adventurers heading for Rivgraad, among them it appeared to be Bloddwyn, who might be Ravenna's son. With a heartfelt goodbye the two friends parted ways, as the carawan began its journey across the bridge back into the Griffin Mountains.   Dorn's fear of another attack by crazed bandits turned out to be unfounded, but after a couple of weeks of traveling the carawan was ambushed by strange creatures, his new companion Alvery recognized as kobolds. Dorn new that they were not a local spieces, but no one had an explanation for them. Following the road to Rivgraad though they met Ragnar, Vaeger's current chief, who hired Dorn, Bloddwyn, Alvery and Bran to investigate some strange occurancies in the area. Knowing the carawan would be save with the remainder of the party as well as clan Vaeger's warriors the group ventured forth to scout the area.   The very first night they already encountered a suspious observer that managed to run away from them, but after an additional day of searching for the person they stumbled upon elves. A female elf named Vanarel was being chased by a group of elves who attempted to capture or kill her, but Dorn's party chased them away. As it turned out all elves had dark grey skinned and Vanarel explained that they were drow from the Underdark. Out of gratitude she also lead them to a cavern as she assumed that it would hold the explanation for the strange occurances in the area.   After fighting through a group of kobolds, summoned demons and drow lead by a dark elven mage, the party discovered diaries showing an at least one year long campaign of scouting the area and probably planning an attack on Rivgraad.   Returning to Rivgraad Dorn and the party joined the defense of the town against the upcoming siege. Being one of the few warriors with a magic weapon he was attached to Alvery, Bloddwyn and Bran as a fast response team to deal with summoned demons.   The drow attack didn't have them waiting for long as one of the main thrusts against the town was innitiated by multiple fireballs exploding against the northern gate. The party rushed to help the defenders who jumped in to hold the breach. Dorn settled on a roof hidden in darness and shot his arrows on targets that appeared, while the others charged towards the gate that was covered in magical darkness. He witnessed as the darkness was pierced by a cone of freezed air engulfing the defenders and killing them. With his companions he continued to battle the dark elves charging in, who were also support by dwarfs who moved the city protected by invisiblity until they unleshed their attacks against their victims. Yet the group managed to prevail this first wave only to have the first demon rush through the gate. A flying monstrosity that went for Bloddwyn. While the others dealt with drow and dwarfs it was the monsterhunter's bolts that killed the demon.   With their initial attack not being able to overcome the defense of the gate more drow charged through the darkness lead by a half-fiend. The demon drow halfbreed charged for Bloddwyn and was about to defeat him and Bran when Dorn rushed into the battle slaming the beast off the roof of a small shop. Not able to withstand the raging human's push the draegloth crash hard on to the street not being able to stand up quickly enough thus an easy prey for Bloddwyn's kill shot. With the beast dead, re-enforcements coming Dorn pushed on into the magical darkness to chase those drows fighters and mage hiding within. Face with turning tide the drow retreated.   Healed by their friends and Vanarel who arrived at the gate to support the defense, the party could finally take some rest as clan warriors closed off the gate with burning carts. Yet their rest would not last long. As they waited for their next engagement at the main square Bloddwyn noticed a grey hooded running towards the harbour. Re-enforced by their friends from the carawan and Vanarel all nine of them moved to the harbour in the cover of darkness. With no track of the man in the grey cloak they instead picked up the sound of a converstation. A hooded human figure with a golden mask was standing at one of the piers talking to a beautiful large drow woman. Bloddwyn understood their discussion in Abyssal as they argued about the demonic support not having materialised within the town. The drow - who turned out to actually be a Yochlol demon herself - was put in her place by the human mage, who she called Malikith. He warned her to think twice before engaging him and pointed out that his masters demons actually were already summoned by the drow at the gate, but defeated as the drow failed. Before they could continue their discussion the party around Dorn though was noticed.   Elite drow warriors immediately engaged them as Malikith disappeared. In a brutal and hard fight the group barely was able to kill the three warriors and the Yochlol, as for the first time they witnessed how deadly the poison of the fiend was.   With a final chance to rest the group was quickly called to join the battle for the main square. Lord Ragnar's plan was working as he managed to guide the drow main thrust into a trap, but he needed more support to defeat them. Dorn and the others rushed to join the defenders. The battle for the main square had baited the high priestess of the drow house Dulaenthan to lead the offensive push herself. Surrounded by an elite guard and followed by another Yochlol she arrived at the main square, as Ragnar and his entourage battled her vanguard drow. With the arrival of Bloddwyn, Alvery, Bran, Dorn and the others the odds were evened out. Ragnar's priest of Kajlaen summoned daylight to take the advantage from the Drow who kept controlling the battlefield by spamming darkness to engulf all light sources.   The Yochlol charged Vanarel to punish her for her betrayal of Lolth with Bloddwyn jumping to her defense. Alvery did her best to exploit the lack of vision engaging drow as her own magic abilities were exhausted. Bran also joined the fight switching between shooting arrows and charging into the battle, as Dorn fell into a rage joining Ragnar's men in the thick of battle as the lord held off several warriors by himself. With Yandrak, Ori and Jhessa pushing the flank, as Bernard bolstered who he could, the party managed to overcome the Yochlol and Dorn landed a deadly finishing blow to the priestess. With the houses leadership broken the drow quickly retreated.       III. Quest for History and Truth:   In the following days the party was able to recover from their wounds and actually had time to get to know each other better. While Ragnar made the foreigners honorary friends of the Vaeger clan, Dorn set out to help his new friends to organise themselves to follow their original plans.   For Bloddwyn who was thinking about finding his mother as well as knowledge about demons to be able to fight them back in his home of Rykthaven, Dorn pointed towards the southern coast. He suggested taking a ship to Rombella, where his father Jhaeir would help him to get to Korbel or Saara where he might find some clues about Ravenna. Dorn also suggested the library of Aardem to probably be the best source of knowledge based on what he saw himself. The two warriors separated with the promise that one day they would again fight side by side to help each other when needed.   For Bran Dorn reached out to his mother who helped gathering clues about what Nklas van Riwburgh was doing within Rivgraad.   Finally talking to Alvery about her goals to find a sword based on some dream she had, the two realized that maybe there would be some hint at the swords location at the ruin of the Howling Temple. Dorn had read about that location being a fortress and final burial place of Zeryakobaal, the white dragon that waged war against the Elven Empire. Joined by Vanarel, who wanted to learn more about the history of the elves on the surface, the trio wandered of towards the mountains.   The first days of their travel they were accompained by several clan warriors to protect them through the Vaeger territory. After they said their goodbyes to their escort they began their climb of the mountain path towards the temple. Thanks to Alvery's Baer they discovered some figures following them in the distance. At first they tried to outpace them, but after a handful of days chase Alvery decided to confront them.   Their pursuers turned out to be the hunting party around the drow Kryn Ze'anrel, who was hunting Vanarel for her heresy. Leading a drow scout and two bugbears Kryn charged the group. Alvery activated a spell that broke the fabric of reality turning everyone around her susceptible to piercing objects - right before Kryn targeted Dorn with a crossbolt. Badly wounded by the shot, Dorn cried out to Vanarel and Alvery that he would keep the bugbears and scout busy to buy them time to deal with the leader of the hunting party. He let his rage consume him and jumped of cliff into the darkness and onto the enemies further down the mountain.   Dorn wasn't the only one affected by the spell Alvery let go, but also Kryn standing right next to them. Alvery jumped at him cutting him deep with her sword keeping him busy as Vanarel took aim with her own crossbow bolt. Distracted by the half elf warrior Kryn only noticed the shot had been fire as it pierced right through his heart killing him instantly. In the meantime Dorn used the darkness to his advantage. His connection to the shadows and years of experience hunting in the dark proved to be especially deadly against these creatures who relied on the night and darkness themselves. Even badly wounded he could keep the others busy enough for Vanarel and Alvery to catch up and finish them off. Freed of her executioner Vanarel finally felt a freedom she didn't know before.   Searching Kryn's body Alvery found a magical short sword. Herself more used to larger weapons, she decided to gift Dorn the sword to thank him for his help searching for the sword she felt destined for. As Dorn got accustomed to the blade he noticed its 'desire' for the blood of spellcasters and how it felt more potent when magic was directed at it.   Their journey further up the mountain turned out to be less troublesome for the next couple of days. This only changed when the trio discovered several ancient ice blocks in the middle of a clearing. A handful of humans wandered around the huge ice ring that seemed to have the shape of a site of impact. Alvery approached the group while Vanarel and Dorn stayed out of sight. While Alvery talked to the apperent leader it became obious they were worshipping someone or something. Her attempts to fake knowledge of the cult's background triggered a command from the leader towards his companions that Dorn recognised as an order to attack in Draconic. Before the man could finish his senstence a thunder boomed from his face as Stormbringer struck him. Dorn charged enraged out of his hidding place jumping between Alvery and the group. As the group surrouned them the half-elf let go a powerful thunderwave spell, but at the same time once again discharged uncontrolled magical energy resulting in a powerful fireblast expanding from her position, burining everything around her as well as herself. Dorn who baited the group to attack him was in the middle of the thunderwave spell, thus hit by the full force of elemental energy somehow managed to withstand the enslaught that incinerated and dispersed all foes. Lucky to still be alive he could only laught about the incident.   Once the three were alone by themselves and their wounds taken care of they investigated the site. Based on the information that the humans were worshipping something here Dorn guessed that his might have been a site of battle between the clans and Zeryakobaal, where dragon was temporarily downed by crashing into the ground before killing several clan warriors by freezing them for eternity and flying off. At a closer look they could even see the remains of people within the huge blocks of ice.   Following the tracks of the cultists the party marched on to the actual Howling Temple. There they saw a larger group of humans gathering in the ruins. Dorn had no information on this cult as they didn't seem to be known to even exist, but Alvery decided to try again to fool them claiming to be interested in learning more of the great white dragon of the past. Charming her way to the leader of the cult she even got him to give them a tour of the temple going as far as showing them the remains of the once mighty dragon in her cavern deep in the temple. While going through the temple with its engraved depictions of battles and other historic events involving Zeryakobaal Alvery asked about where the last against the elves took place. The cult leader pointed them to Elandirill, which Dorn knew to be a ruin that was never populated after the war. Thanking the monk for sharing the history of Zeryakobaal the party left the temple hasty to not risk being found out.   With the next goal for the search being determined as Elandirill, Dorn suggest to take a detour to Bhaergraad. While not being on the path, he thought that he might be able to recruit the help of Nynthia and Hjaal to bolster their number. Alvery agreed as she found it suspicious that no one had settled in the ruins for more than a thousand years.   Arriving in Bhaersgraad Alvery, Vanarel and Dorn witnessed a young goliath yelling at Loghain Thyane about not doing enough to put Korbel into its place. While Dorn didn't know the young warrior his friends Nynthia and Hjaal later would explain that Al-Gaesh was from a reknowned family within the Thyane clan. Many put his recent outburst against Loghain to being young and trying to prove himself, especially since Hjaal and Dorn had returned from Korbel victorious against slavers, thus outshining Al-Gaesh's previous accomplishments as potential leader and warrior. After spending an evening with the clan to rest, catch up and introduce Alvery to Loghain, Dorn enlisted the support of his friends.   Now five strong and lead by an experienced druid the group made quick progress north through the mountains. Once they reached the hills south of Elandirill they found ruined and abondoned villages. While they inspected one of these they found themselves surround by undead lead by wights. The group quickly dispatched the threat and moved more carefully on towards the actual goal. Each day they found more undead stalking the land.   In Elandirill dodging undead in the city Alvery lead them to the center of the city into the fortress through 'familiar' territory she knew from her dreams. Once they reached the fortress wall they saw skeletal elven warriors guarding a breach in the wall. The party attacked the undead guardians, while Dorn sneaked off into the darkness and dispatched their bowmen.   Pushing into the halls of the fortress they uncovered more dead bodies, some elven, some wearing old armor of the Hegemony of Fire. Moving through a courtyard their presence awoke the Hegemony soldiers corpses who immediately attacked them. With Alvery's holy powers stunning the enemy leader the party easily dispatched the dead back to their rest. The half-elf kept leading the group through familiar ground, but instead of going to the final courtyard of the fortress where she knew the previous owner of the sword she was looking for was slain, it was a tall building peaked Alvery's interest.   Together they stepped into a large temple-like building with large wall paintings on both sides showing events of elven history. While others just saw well made art, Alvery seemed to have visions specific to each paintings. Based on what she described - that no one else could see - the real history of the elven race on Yarklash was unveiled for her. She found out how the goddess Litheth was tricked by her sister Lolth to create the Maelstrom, which turned out to be a rift that connected the Material Plane with the Abyss. It also showed her Lolth's plan in motion to sacrifice the surface elves while leading her 'real colonies' deep underneath Rofingurdaal's Reach. Those visions also finally hinted at Litheth taking over her new appearance as the Lady and becoming the main goddess of humans turning them into her new hope to make up for her previous mistake.   As Alvery finally connected where her powers came from she was ready to go for the final courtyard where her ancestor died in battle. Once the group stepped on the battlefield wraiths of the fallen warriors came back to life and reenacted the battle with Sorra Ahdin fighting against the Hegemony's general. Alvery and her friends joined the battle on the side of the ancient elven spirit and beat the human vengeful spirits, but instead of an expected end to the violence, Sorra, after the battle just started pacing up and down waiting for the hated enemy to attack again. Alvery realised that the spirits in this place needed to be lead to find peace and come to rest or they would for ever fight now. Thus she took her anscestor to the temple. As Dorn and the others waited outside, Alvery helped Sorra find peace and was gifted the sword she was looking for.   With Sorra's wraith coming to rest Dorn and the others helped bury the remains within the temple, as well as the remains of the elves killed within the temple. With the sword recovered the Alvery's quest was over and she decided to return home. Nynthia and Hjaal were also ready to go back to Bhaersgraad to share their tale, so Dorn gifted them some gold and potions as sign of gratitude. He himself decided that it was time to finally see Eversted and followed Vanarel and Alvery north to the Realm of the Middle.       IV. Realm, Forest and a new Beginning:   The path to Eversted showed a different side of Dorn to the two elves. When they finally reached civilisation at Xander's Maarket it quickly became appearent that he enjoyed the looks of fear the Elkani people gave him. Amused about how easy it was to intimidate them he made sure that no one would try to take advantage of them three. Yet all three agreed that they didn't want to spend a night in town. Journeying by night they moved north along the road.   The journey was interrupted as one night they were ambushed by gnolls who were still feeding on their previous victims. After a brutal fight investigating the remains of the gnolls and following their track to a small camp they discovered several runes Alvery had already encountered once before close to her home when she fought another band of these beasts.   Without any other interruptions they reached Rafal's Rast and took a boat along the river to Eversted. Dorn took the chance to help the owner sail it down river. Being once again on water turned out to be great way for him to relax and in the end to have the spectacular first impression of Eversted as they came to the city from the south sailing into the harbour.   Lead by Alvery Dorn gets to know Mathilda and Revikk, but also visited Flushavs to meet the half-elf's family. During the time at the vinyard Robben Vestergaard inquires about options to secure the ruins of Elandirill and Dorn ensures him that the Vaeger would be willing to help Alvery with that if she was intrested.   After that short stint in Flushavs the small party return to Eversted to discuss with their local ally Saljaeren their options for Elandirill. Sajlaeren though was at that point still under surveillance by members of the Felderin gang, who threatened the elf if he stayed in contact with Alvery and her family. To give them a chance to meet Dorn scouted the area and found Feldir's spy observing the house. After quickly overwhelming and killing the scout the remains turned into a human sized rat creature. Dorn cut off the head and put it on the  street in front of Sajlaeren's home as a message to the gang.   The next days Alvery took Vanarel and Dorn around the large city. While the drow didn't seem impressed with the 'primitive' buildings and overall lack of what she would consider culture or style, Dorn was still impressed by the sheer size. The highlight of their trip was the arena - while most of the fights were not impressive the final event of the day had a 'Prince' Demian starring in it. The current champion of the arena outclassed any warrior either of them three had ever seen and it was only surpassed by his charismatic show. Yet all of it made Alvery wary and she uncovered with her senses a fiendish arua around him.   Alarmed by the findings the group went to the University to meet arch mage Yrdessa, a former 'teacher' of Alvery. As they discussed what they witnessed in the arena Dorn spotted a book about the demon prince Qharnate in the shelf. Taking a closer look at it he recognised the symbol on the cover of it to match those on the shields of the bandits that attacked Premusz Lunden's cart when Rajsha and him met the merchant the first time. Yrdessa commented that the increased activity of demons couldn't be a coincidence and decided to talk to Danikka van Szone, High Priestess of the Lady.   The next day Alvery received a message that Demian would be arrested on the next Day of the Paragons' during his fight. The group decided to be there and see how it goes even more intrigued as during the week they met Rajsha at the Seafarers' Lodge. After her performance she shared her knowledge about Demian's large following and that she herself was invited to sing at one of the next feasts in his honor.   At the day of the fight Alvery, Vanarel and Dorn joined the audience in the arena, also on arch mage Yrdessa's wish. Once the main event started everyone except them three where surprised as the gates of the arena were blocked by soldiers of the Realm and instead of a challenger Demian saw himself confronted by Danikka and four paladins of the orders of the Duskmother and Dawnfather. The high priestess declared the champion to be arrested, while he simply dismissed her claim by addressing the audience asking them if he should allow the new formed Inquisition to spoil their fun they paid for. He rallied the crowd to protest the delay in entertainment as were also the priests of Cladis and Gynebra - Gallard van Junn and Jirta - who were not informed by the church of the Lady that anything was planned.   Demian suddenly jumped into action and cut down one of the Paladins of the Duskmother before anyone else was able to move, injuring the second one as well. As the battle in the fighting pit initiated so did the riot on the stands. Fans of the champion clashed with soldiers of the Realm as cultists of Haradim started to perform supported by succubi and inccubi among them. The two clerics leading the event briefly also fell under the spell of the fiends prompting Dorn and his companions to join Danikka against Demian. Haradim's chosen though proved to be beyond anyone around him. He had killed both paladins of the Duskmother and badly injured one of the Paladins of the Dawnfather by the time he cut down and killed Danikka van Szonek while himself barely had taken a scratch. Bored by the engagement he also dedicated the kill to Haradim in exchange for some demonic support.   Alvery, Dorn and Vanarel were not able to pass through Demian's defense and with the death of the high priestess of the Lady would be confrontated by four babao demons charging into the fighting pit. Together with one of the paladins they were able to brace this attack, but in the meantime Demian was about to leave the arena ground. The badly wounded paladin - Eren Sparkhammer - then challenged Demian and as lead by the god himself managed to pierce the champion's armor sticking his spear glowing with radiant energy deep into Demian's flank. Utter disbelief by Haradim's chosen was followed by a bottomless rage for someone daring to spill his blood. A brief exhange of attacks and parries found its end as Demian landed a killing blow against Eren while the others were fighting the babao fiends. With a final display of his mastery Demian cut off the paladin's head and held it high for his fans to celebrate him, but in that moment Alvery stole the show as she dispatched one of the babao while in a wild magic surge she was transformed into a child. Annoyed by the wound suffered and having his spotlight stolen Demian left the arena with a grunt.   Dorn on the other hand was fighting the babao blow for blow while they used their inherit magical abilities to boil the remaining paladin in his armor. With Vanarel's spirit guardians swishing among them and Alvery invoking the Lady's divine wrath with each blow of her sword the group was able to dispatch those fiends on the fighting floor, while Gallard and Jirta together with the soldiers attempted to bring order into the stands. Alvery, despite being tired and wounded like her companions, urged them to chase after Demian in hope of finding him.   Rushing through the arena's chambers for the fighters they found their pray on the street confidently walking towards the city's northern gate. Spotting them coming after him he started to run, but Alvery magically commanded him to return. Compelled by the magic, with all of them shocked that the spell actually worked, Demian suddenly found himself facing the party. Himself already tired from fighting them, the high priestess as well as the four paladins, he wasn't willing to risk getting stuck. His blows still as deadly as before force Dorn to put the champion under as much pressure as possible to distract him from attacking the two elven women at his side. Without further magic to enhance his protection, Demian attempted to disengage relying on his higher speed, but again surprising everybody, he couldn't withstand the lure Alvery made appear in her hand. Drawn against his strength he saw himself pulled back towards the girl that chased him starring at a lighting forming in her hand until it lashed out and hit him. This one moment of distraction was enough for Dorn to surpass Demian force him on his knees and finally decapitated him with his sword. The unlikely trio could harly believe their luck as their were at the end of their own stamina as well as tircks up their sleeve.   After delivering the body of the champion together with his weapons to the authorities the group was rewarded with the bounty of 8.000 gold pieces. The party stayed within the city for a few more days as Alvery dealt with the church of the Lady, while also preparing their departure towards the Hiyndurill Forest. Leaving his money with Sajlaeren Dorn joined the adventure towards the west.     After nearily two weeks on the road Alvery, Vanarel and Dorn spot the first signs of the war in the west. About a dozen hanged elves along the road, most showing no wounds, only one of them wearing an armour pointing at wood elves, while the others appeared to be civilians.   Continuing on the party got surprised a few days later during the night in their camp as several wood elves appear around them. Vanarel had one of the elves' blade pointed at her while others had their bows up and ready to shoot - only Dorn not being noticed was able to turn the situation around and had his weapon on an elf's throat. The standoff was deascalated as the wood elves leader turned out to be Alvery's half brother Keijo Artanis. The elf Dorn had over powered was introduced as Caer Uthelaen, a trusted lieutenant of Olyvjaer Dalaraen the elven warlord. Caer's twin sister Nalia was also among those elves that had their bows ready to shoot. It was obvious that Caer was iritated by not having been able to spot the human of the party.   Alvery told her brother the story about their experiences with demons, drow and their plans for Elandirill, while also investigating about the elves and half-elves hanged along the street. Caer explained that those were spys supporting the wood elves that general Eivan van Ryttenhavs ordered executed. The elves also pointed out that they would only be able to move on after they finished their mission to raid an human outpost that was survailing the street. Not too keen to join the fight yet also unwilling to leave her brother and his elves to themselves Alvery decided to join the attack and with her Dorn and Vanarel.   The attack was conducted at night, with Keijo, Alvery, Vanarel and Dorn breaching through the main gate while Caer and his sister would surprise the enemy further back. The inital attack went according to plan as lights were turned out leaving the defenders at pray of their enemies used to see in darkness. Though badly outnumbered the raiders outmatched most of the soldiers of the Realm with ease. Keijo charged a group of half a dozen around a campfire while Caer and Nalia attacked the command tent on top of the hill. Alvery cut down a paladin with ease as Dorn moved through darkness killing the helpless soldiers. When Nalia suddenly found herself exposed by a dangerous sniper Dorn charged into the light to destract those that were about to take her down, buying her a precious moment to find cover. A couple of moments later Caer would find himself unlucky and knocked unconscious before Dorn could take on his enemy while Alvery would tend the elf's grevious wound.   The battle for the outpost ended up to be fierce by the sheer number of opponents, but in the end the raiding party didn't had to complain about a single loss. Yet Dorn didn't feel the rush of battle like in other cases. He had joined this fight for his friend, but as he watched the corpses of the fallen this felt more like a slaughter of helpless than a glorious battle to remember. The remainder of the elven patrol then joined them in the camp as they picked up what they could carry on their bodies and poisoned the rest of the rations that they left in the camp. With their job done the two groups made their way west into the Hiyndurill Forest for Alvery to talk with Olyvjaer.
Year of Birth
417 Y.o.U. 25 Years old
Kajlean, Grey Wanderer

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