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Robbaer van Nickels, Grand Executioner

Grand Executioner Robbaer van Nickels was the grand master of the Paladin's of the Mother order. A pietous and strict man born in the Heartlands and raised as part of its nobility. While not known for his humor or outgoing personality his reputation within the church of the Duskmother was excellent.   When the Lady's high priestess Danikka van Szonek asked for the churches of the Duskmother's and Dawnfather's support in establishing the Inquistion to investigate demonic occurances Robbaer was clearly in favour of putting his order at her disposal. The disasterous attempt at arresting the arena champion Demian, also known as 'the Prince', which ended with two of his paladins as well as the high priestess Danikka killed strengthend his resolve further to support this cause.   It was said that Robbaer had also a good relationship with high priestess Szilvya van Karrst who was his religious mentor and supported his rise to grand executioner.     In 436 YoU Robbaer lead an expedition of the Inquistion supported by soldiers of the Realm to Rykthaven. His mission was twofold - on the one hand he was to contact Bloddwyn Bluainach and hand him over a copy of his book that the monsterhunter previously had given to high priestess Tasha van Rikten to educate the inqusition on matter of demons - and on the other hand demand from the Rykthaven city council to abstain from criminally persecuting Bloddwyn for murdering Adelberg van Kymden two years before until the demonic crisis was averted.   The expedition reached the city, but on his way to meet with the city council he and his bodyguard were ambushed by cultist of the Nameless One. Bloddwyn appeared on the scene in time to support the grand executioner and save him as well as a few of his men. But the victory was short lived as sounds of battle could be heard from the camp his expedition force has established south of the city. By the time they reach it the battle was dominated by demons of the Nameless one.   After quickly organising his men Robbaer and Bloddwyn rushed towards the tent of the priestess of the Lady that was guarding the book, yet they arrived too late. A mortal servant of Ka'ash'du'Maal'Barid teleported into the fray and opened portals for several burning demons that set the priestess and the camp a blaze. Bloddwyn charged to recover the book, but ended up surrounded by the flamer demons who were about to burn him as well. As the cultist leader demanded the book to be handed over Bloddwyn refused, ready to sacrifice himself in vaine. Robbaer knew that this book was just a copy and the real one would arrive the next day brought into the city by secrecy so he commanded Bloddwyn to give it up and run for his life. As Bloddwyn threw away the book the two of them managed to escape, in no small part due to the lost interest of their enemies.   The battle though attracted also the city guard which attacked the demons fighting the inquistion and once the book was in the cultist's hands the demons of Ka'ash disappeared. With most of his expeditionary force killed Robbaer still fulfilled the second part of his mission. He talked to the city council on behalf of Bloddwyn explaining that the churches supporting the Inquistion had stalled the criminal persecution of the young man in the Realm as well based on information about Adelberg's crimes that would require investigation as well. He also impressed on the council the role Bloddwyn's research played in training the inquistion and his vital role in defeating the demonic threat.   Yet Robbaer on a personal level condemmed Bloddwyn for his murder and made it clear that if the monsterhunter was found quilty he would execute the judgement personally. Bloddwyn agreed to it.

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