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Ancient Histoy of Yarklash

From the time of the elven colonisation until current events

The Classical Age

3000 b.U. 2001 b.U.

The story of the Elven Empire, it's creation and struggels. Also the time humans and orcs were brought to Yarklash and dragons' started to spread.

  • 3000 b.U.

    Arrival of the Elves
    Cultural event

    Elves from old world discover continent of Yarklash.   They build first colonies spreading in the south east.   Dwarfs already have settlements on the continent. Spread in smaller city states in mountains, they are focused on mining.   Biggest threat of the continet are titans. They are terrorising dwarfs to live hidden under the earth. The newcomer elves start hunting titans and defeating them, thus taming the land.   Without the natural apex predator - titans - dwarfs spread from the moutains, but also dragons and other animals.

  • 2800 b.U.

    Founding of the Elven Empire

    Elves establish the new empire, as they conqurer the new contient and start a decade long war of cession from old contient. Them being destracted allows others to establish their kingdoms. Elves control by this time the low lands, also known as the Heartlands, in center and territories in the south east. Large forest and mountains remain untamed, controlled by dwarfs (neutral to elves), goliaths (largely unknown, but seen as titan kin and therefore hated) and other monsters. North remains mostly unexplored and dangerous.   Without titans claiming the land the number and size of dragons grow along the unknown territories.

  • 2500 b.U.

    Appearance of the Sahuagin Empire
    Population Migration / Travel

    Sahuagin Empire steps from western isles to the Yarklash main land and starts claiming the territory. This lead to a war with the Elven Empire. The Elves are able to beat the new comers into the sea, but an long lasting conflict starts along the western shores that will last for centuries.

  • 2400 b.U.

    Arrival of the Human's as Sahuagin Salves
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Sahuagin Empire brings human slaves from an unkown continent in the west to fight against the elves. Their origin is lost to history.
      The first human slave settlements are established along Sahuagin cities. Sahuagin use them as cheap cannon fodder against the elven armies and therefore encourge them spreading, keeping them under control by fear.

  • 2300 b.U.

    Spreading of Human Settlements and Drawfen Discovery of the Underdark
    Population Migration / Travel

    Human settlements grow faster than expected, but without magic and gods to protect them, they are terrified of their Sahuagain masters. The elves meanwhile see them just as beasts of their masters that need to be slaughtered, but can only contain them to the shores, not defeat their combined powers. Especially when a new conflict with elves from the old continent starts. The Elven Empire ends up on the defensive.   At the same time dwarfen cities start spreading underneath the earth and expanding their tunnels connecting to a waste natural tunnel system. This region will become known as Underdark.   Tunnel works in the east spook goblins and a war with their new dwarfen neighbours errupts in Underdark areas next to surface.   It is also the time the first hafling settlements are established in the north west and northern tips of the contient. Their origin is not really known, scolars think they were escaped low tier slaves of the Sahuagain Empire.

  • 2200 b.U.

    Rise of the Dragons
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dragons start to boldly act in the north west burning halfling villages and even attacking human and sahuagin settlements.

    Rofingurldaal, a red dragon, gathers an army of hobgoblins and ogers in the north east and marches south claiming the goblin tribes battling the dwarfs and later on razes all major dwarven settlements in the east.

    The imperium now facing enemies on all borders sends out diplomats to convince orc tribes from the old continent to settle in the east of Yarklash and promises help fighting the red dragon's army.

    Over the next century together with the orcs the elves manage to beat back Rofingurldal and kill him. The goblinoid tribes and orcs start their skirmishes for the east of the continent.

    First elves settle in the former dwarven colonies and discover the Underdark.

Age of Heroes

2000 b.U. 501 b.U.

The Elven Empire's great mages establish the Tempest to shield themselves from the old continent, while heroes emerge to hunt down dragons, but also as champions of the dragons.

  • 2000 b.U.

    Elven Consolidation
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    During a time of respite from attacks from the old continent the Empire finds a spell to install a permanent tempest making the journey from the old contient impossible, thus cutting off any contact.

    The Empire focuses on hunting down the dragons in the north. Great elven heros lead hunting parties, joined by orcs and dwarfs on their quests. Epic battles between dragons and the hunters define the next century while the nations' border find some stability.

    The empire colonises the northern forest to reduce the dragons' huntin grounds.

  • 1400 b.U.

    Fall of Saara
    Cultural event

    Saara, one of the oldest Sahuagin slave settlements, reaches out to fiends to free itself of the Sahuagin masters. Offering themselves to demons as blood sacrifices they foolishly switched from one master to another. Over the next centuries time more and more demons gain access to the material plane and spread north to the Stone Desert changing it over time.

  • 1300 b.U.

    Emergance of the Alliance of the Dragons

    Last handful of ancient chromatic dragons in the west ally themselves with humans to free them of the shackles of the sahuagin tryanny in exchange for helping the dragons against the Elven Empire.

    Sahuagian retreated pretty soon, not interested in the conflicted itself and curious to see what the humans could achieve on their own.

  • 1250 b.U.

    The Liberation Wars
    Military action

    After the inital years of war, Imdarill Songborn, most reknowed dragon hunter of the last centuries was called to help the Empire beat back the ferocus human barbarians.

    Nandral lead the armies of Fire into the elven heartland.

    Elves were losing the war until Imdarill allied the dwarves and orcs and started hunting the dragons leading the savage armies destroying towns and cities.

    Imdarill first confronted Swerakdunbaal and killing him in battle, expecting the humans to break, but the humans kept pillaging and destroying the south. The humans allied themselves with the goliaths and kept pressuring the elven armies and Drurandobaal then reached out to the hobgoblin and golbin clans to attack the orcs who had to return home, leaving the south to be conquered.

    The dwarfs in the north attacked Hygrodinbaal's advance, but the fire and winter armies ravaged the center of the realm.

    Imdarill afraid of losing the dwarven alliance hunted down hygrodinbaal and wounded him badly, but couldn't kill him. The black dragon's army ended up in a stand still with the dwarfs without the dragon's help.

    Imdarill moved on to challenge Drurandobaal and in a battle for the capital they faced off. The elven hero nearily succeeded when Nandral stepped in and fend off the dragon hunter's killing blow. Yet the dragon knew that he wouldn't survive. He and Nandral went through a ritual to instill his power into the human. In the next attack on the capital Imdarill was killed by Nandral with Zeryakobaal's help the city was burned to the ground.

  • 1230 b.U.

    Fall of the Elven Empire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The great Elven Empire falls and split up in smaller baronies. Those in the eastern dwarven ruins go deeper into the Underdark as hobgoblins conquer the eastern part of the realm.

    Nandral's life span is expanded from the ritual and his successors start conqurering first the central part of the Empire, as the winter army retires.

    Human releams spread out filling most of the old empire's territory.

  • 1200 b.U.

    End of the Alliance of the Dragons
    Era beginning/end

    Nandral conquers and enslaves a part of the norther dwarven city states. steals their adamantium mines and technologies.

    Hygrodinbaal's army claims islands pushing sahuagin back into the sea.

      Nandral attacks and finishes off Hygrodinbaal forcing his followers to flee to the islands and follows up on it by attacking the Griffon Mountains where Zeryakobaal is hidding, but he can't successfully complete the campaign in the mountains over several years.

  • 1100 b.U.

    Celestial Intervention
    Military action

    As the fiendish corruption spreads from Saara angles descend to the city of Aaradem and strike an alliance with the humans there. Together they start a campaign against Saara to cleanse it of the demons that controll the city. After years of fighting aided by local rebels the fiends are defeated and the city free of their fiendish masters.

  • 1000 b.U.

    Rise of the Hegemony of Fire

    Nandral's Hegemony of Fire controls now most of the human and former Elven Empire, with the exception of the southern Elven Empire, Hiyndurill Forest, Griffon Mountains and Stone Desert.

  • 900 b.U.

    Clans of the Griffon Mountains regain Independence

    Humans in the Stone Desert switch to druid religions moving away from dragon cults and their believe spreads into the mountains and southern Hegemony of Fire.

    Zeryakobaal's terror regime is brought down by a rebellion lead by local griffon riders as a result of the new believes.

The Dark Age

500 b.U. 1 b.U.

With no stable major power left, the whole continent falls into endless small conflicts.

  • 500 b.U.

    Nandral's Demise
    Military action

    Hegemony of Fires starts to crumble to decadence as Nandral shows himself less and less after disaster campaigns into the Hiyndutrill Forest territory. At the same time former regions of the black dragon followers harbour more and more pirates and eastern provinces ally themselves with orcs as hobgoblins keep raiding them.

    Finally elven mage Vindynar finds a way to break Nandral's ritual. The mage travels from Moon Island to tribes' land in the Stone Desert and convinces tribal leader Grakan Tusken to build an alliance with mountain clans and dwarfs and lead a march on Nandral's capital. The Hegemony was too slow to react, as they did not take the threat too seriously.

    Vindynar broke the ritual connecting Nandral to Drurandobaal and Grakan Tusken defeated him in a duel. While the Hegemony's army lost the battle, the alliance lacked the unity and strength to finish off the Hegemony and instead they leave it to break apart.

  • 450 b.U.

    Fall of the Hegemony
    Disaster / Destruction

    Hegemony of Fire breaks slowly apart, torn by civil wars and raids from all sides. Without the Hegemony as unifying threat all other nations start fighting each other. Centuries of wars dominate the continent.