The Queendom of Infinite Repose Organization in Yarns of Doverynn | World Anvil
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The Queendom of Infinite Repose

The Queendom of Infinite Repose • A rivial of the Expanse's in terms of skyship might ○ Speaks The Queen's Common (Skyllian) ○ The Queendoom sits on the far western edge of the continent ○ It has established begun the process of expanding ocean-ward, establishing colonies ○ The Queendom are not pacifists, believe that peace must be maintained through a diplomatic and military means combined Queendom aggressively maintains basic human rights, has issues with the Evercrown's necromancers

Demography and Population

Approximatively 4,600,000 citizens
  • 1,150,000 in Urban Populations
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute


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