Zocrya Organization in Yarns of Doverynn | World Anvil
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Zocrya is a small country located in the center of the western continent. It is the last remnants of the Skyllian Empire.   Zocrya is a small and weak country with almost no natural resources.   Zocrya relies on its prestige, Mage and Bard colleges and some serious politics.

Demography and Population

Approximately 1,800,000 citizens
  • About 1,025,000 in Urban Populations
  • Almost 710,000 live in Skyllia itself and about 1,000,000 in 'Greater Skyllia"

Foreign Relations

Is the home for the primary fantasy NTSB and FAA for all of the Western continent
Geopolitical, Country
Major Exports
Leading Exporter of of Air Traffic Controllers
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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