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Black Rock Mercenary Company

Neutral Evil Black Rock Mercenary Company
  Group Formation. Formed by Earth Gensai (See Gensai) mercenaries recruited from the outer planes, the first Black Rock company fought along the scaled lords of the south. There they gained notoriety as utterly ruthless, completely unscrupulous, and willing to do whatever it took to get the job done. They were also known to switch sides should they get an offer of increased pay. Thankfully for the scale lords, their hordes were vast, and thus the Black Rock company was utterly loyal. When the initial expansions had achieved their goals, the funding for the now expansive, multi-legion company looked elsewhere for gainful employment. Some turned to simple banditry, while the majority sought to ply their trade far and wide, using their well-earned reputation.
  Mission. The only real goal of the Black Rock company is to become rich and obtain incredibly rare gems. Made up mostly of earth gensai known for their greed and gemlust, the Black Rock company now has all manner of members, though the majority are gensai. Completely devoid of any code of ethics, honor or otherwise, they are easily bribed or bought by those with the coin. The only thing they do not do is steal from or shake down employers. Though woe betide anyone thinks they can simply not pay a Black Rock company.
  Group Organization. Individual war bands are ruled generally by the strongest, most well-respected member of the band. These individuals are referred to as warleaders, ex: Warleader Garret. These warbands are semi-autonomous though they have to give a percent back to the company head during an annual summons that happens every year, though they need only return once every five years. Infighting is one of the few rules of the Black Rock company, though those who fail to pay their dues are branded debtors and are free game until such time they pay what is owed.
  Leader. The current Company leader is Commander Argent, a towering earth gensai who has a significant amount of elemental power in his blood. A brilliant tactician, Commander Argent is a brutal man whose services are prized among the rare few who can afford to hire him as a general. He is also the eighteenth Company commander.
  Recent History. Leadership of the Black Rock company was taken when its current leader Argent won a duel against its former leader, a fire gensai by the name of Almas. Some think Argent won through nefarious means, however, so the division between the earth gensai, and everyone else is high.
  Opinion/Enemies. At most, they are considered a necessary evil, at worst they are thought of as little more than bandits who pretend to be a mercenary company.
Military, Mercenary Group


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