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Books Of Dow

Under Construction   Named for Dowaine Throratar At Viluminor, a college of some repute that at one time was the learning center of the dwarven empire. There debate and philosphy flourished, bringing many new ideas and discovery. Though primarily focused on what is called the internal sciences by dwarves (think philosophy, math, psychology and other things that exist primarily within the mind) the college was well known for producing many talented engineers who had a habit of dabbling in at least one of the internal sciences.   Among the lesser known attendees was Gazdread Forgebellow, who originally attended as an engeering student but swiftly became enamored with philosophy and the study of divine origin theory. From there he became something of a rebel, teaching that although gods as the other new of them were not truly divine, that dwarves should still pretend to make their own as an aspirational icon of sorts.   The fall of that province saw the destruction of the college, the scattering of his writings, and the destituion of Gazdread himself. Little more then a refugee, one among thousands, Gazdread fell into alcholism, until that all changed. For an expedition had located the college of old, plundered its still semi intact library and an enterprising sort had even collected his writings into a three book set he called the Books Of Dow. Thought to be some of the few tomes that still presisted from that before time, the books sold remarkably well and eventually Gazdread would be located. The old dwarf was nearly a thousand at this point, having spent well over a century at the bottom of a barrel his mind was damaged but with the help of a few others he would kick the habit finally and return to a life of teaching.   It was only at this point that Gazdread actually read his collected works and found that they had been altered, with small sections omitted to create the impression that he had argued for calling the twin kings true divine. This second edition became the most common and successful, though the first edition languished in obscurity for some time, being adopted only by a scant few intelligent enough to decipher the more complicated and olden language. The second edition was translated into a more modern dwarvish tongue, while also having its message altered, and its emphasis on Ronlin and Dulgun not being true divine scrubbed out. Though he does not believe that they are gods, who continues to argue the usefulness of claiming that they are.   Subsequent books published continuing his arguementation have not sold nearly as well, earning them the title of the lesser trilogy. True followers of the Dow read them only reluctantly but there are a few groups out there who see the true brilliance of the now ancient dwarf.   Name: The books of dow are so named due to the college having been mostly forgotten, and when it was rediscoered, only the first three letters remained on the sign.


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