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Cadenisis Sheep

  Cadenisis Sheep or Moss Sheep as they are more commonly known. Named for the Cadenisis Expanse, a vast swath of Deepwoods adjacent farm and forest land known for being especially wild, its land populated by strange, altered creatures. Amongst these mutated beasts is the Cadenisis Sheep, notable for its mossy back, surprising jumping ability, and its generally docile nature. Herded by some enterprising woodland elves and other nearby communities, they are not prized for their meat which is described as tough, barklike, and suitable only after hours of boiling but rather for their fur or what grows on it. A unique moss that grows long, fibrous threads that trap heat very effectively but can also react to rising temperatures by pulling heat away from the body and out into the strands, lowering the temperature of the sheep. Once per year, these coats begin to grow too thick, and the sheep will attempt to remove them by scratching themselves against any sharp surface like tree bark or rock. With a little effort, they can be effectively peeled by the careful hand of a dexterous farmer, allowing the harvest of the hairs that retain their ability to warm or cool the wearer provided the weaver is skilled. To acquire these hairs the undermat must be cut away though this roughly inch thick slightly spongy mass is not useless as it is incredibly nutrient-dense and after cooking can be kept for months in a cool dark place. This entire process if done correctly is a painless affair and reveals that a fresh layer of moss is already growing beneath the first.   Incredibly useful, and very docile, these sheep have much in common with their white cousins they do not prefer plains or hills however, rather they enjoy spending their time in the treetops. Able to leap to the roof of a two-story building or twice that in length they are incredibly nimble, crossing vast distances of forest without ever touching the ground or ever breaking a branch. Feasting on nuts, seeds, fruit, and small insects, and if they have recently shed their winter coat, and dead wood the Moss Sheep acts as a stewerd of the tree, eating dead branches, and generally pruning their homes. Though they consume the majority of the tree's seeds, even eagerly eating things like pinecones, this is usually advantageous to the tree which has its potential offspring deposited by the sheep sometimes miles away.  
  Death's Head Sheep may appear like another species, however these are moss sheep that have been infected by a type of fungus that outcompetes and replaces the sheep's natural coat. After this happens they stop shedding, and slowly begin to be consumed by the fungus, starting with the flesh around its face, leading to the name and fearsome reputation. Driven mad by pain and the urging of the fungus, these violent sheep will become intensely territorial. This usually would be fatal for the prey animal however the spores of this fungus are able to take root incredibly quickly, melting the flesh of anything unfortunate enough to come in contact with the sheep. Only the sheep's unusual biology allows it to survive this process though only for a matter of months, at which point it will invariably perish.

Basic Information


Nearly identical to the standard domesticated sheep of the times, the Moss Sheep is lighter, more agile, and instead of the usual coat of hair it has a thick matt of unique moss.

Genetics and Reproduction

Again, the moss sheep reproduce much like their cousins though the birthing is a strange event for the herd as it is one of the few times they venture to the forest floor. Whenever this does occur around ten other moss sheep join the pregnant female, surrounding her in a protective circle. During this time the group becomes territorial though not particularly violent, seeking to push out any who stray too close but rarely escalating any encounter unless necessary. Thankfully for the sheep, the newborn is able to climb a tree only an hour or two after being born, allowing the herd to ascend back up to the treetops.

Growth Rate & Stages

Growing slightly slower than other sheep, the moss sheep lives slightly longer as well, reaching ages of twenty to twenty-five. Though there are tales of unique purple coated moss sheep that live for centuries at a time.

Ecology and Habitats

The moss sheep prefer pine trees as their primary tree of residence, seemingly unbothered by its numerous needles. That being said the moss sheep is not particular about its habitat and will seek out any tree with strong enough branches to support its surprisingly light frame. Once this home tree is chosen it will roam outwards establishing a grazing zone large enough for its herd.

Biological Cycle

Spring is when the moss sheep sheds its green exterior, replacing it with fresh growth.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Possessed of slightly better senses than its more traditional, domesticated cousin, the moss sheep's only exceptional perceptional ability is its uncanny knack for being able to sense a coming storm. If the rain is light and the wind speeds low, it will climb to the highest branch that can hold its weight and enjoy the downpour. If the storm is particularly violent, you will find that the moss sheep have gathered around the base of its home tree along with the rest of its herd, stepping foot on the ground for the first time in what may have been months.


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