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Celestial Choir

Fiend and Celestial warlocks are born when one makes a deal with either a renegade angel, a member of the Celestial Choir, or a demon lord.  

Highest orders

  Known for their nearly godlike power, and alien appearance, the higher orders of angels are often inscrutible beings rarely glimpsed by mortals.  





Ophanim (thrones)


Middle orders

  Middle-order angels are long lived and powerful, but still bound to their former purpose and godhead. Those that stray from the path originally set for them at their creation will find their life span running out faster then normal, though it may still take millenia for them to perish due to this condition.  




  Granted greater autonomy than most, a virtue seeks out a cause or people that align with their purpose and fight on their behalf. These greater angels are nearly as powerful as those that sit at the higher orders, but unlike them, they have a limited life span, and if that time is not spent fulfilling their purpose it is expended far faster. Though these roaming angels may extend their lifespan by doing what their original god wanted them to do, this is, ultimately only a stopgap measure. The only true way to fend off the specter of death permanently is to either seek apotheosis through gathering a large enough flock and ascending to a minor diety or by being adopted by an existing diety. This second method is unlikely to occur and is frowned upon by most within the choir who see the loss of their freedom as a sort of death in itself.   Notable Virtues   Most of the angels that go out into the world, and change it for the better or worse, are Virtues, as such it has left the impression with many that they are the standard within the choir. Though that is not true, that has not stopped rumour and superstition from spreading.   The Red Angel, Boreal   Created by a noble war god from eons long passed, Boreale's creator was slain in some war forgotten by history. Since then she has continued to pursue her purpose with single minded focus. Without thought to mortal or mundane concerns and an absolute dedication to her purpose, she has been able to stay strong for far longer then her kind are usually known for. Fighting in wars without counting, she is guided by an internal sense of right that has never once led her astray. Even as her life finally began to ebb away, she fought one final struggle on the side of the dwarves, dying in the conflict but ultimately becoming reborn as one of them.  



Lowest orders

  Strangely mortal, the life span of these lesser angels is marked in decades, or if they are lucky, centuries but likely no more. Some choose to live as mortals do, others cling to their former longevity, seeking power in a desperate urge to keep death at bay. Some only just barely survive being severed from their godhead of origin and are left near mindless, little more then animals corraled by the greater of their number to be used as soldiers or messengers.  








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