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Crystal Dreams Sanatarium

Dwarven warlocks of the Undying Light were born, at least at first, by accident. Their creation began with the building of Crystal Dreams Sanatorium, constructed for war veterans who returned after the ninth founding failed. Meant to take back a city from the dark ones, this founding ended in disaster, with the army being nearly destroyed and their survivors returning changed for the worse. Intensely terrified by darkness, they were placed in a building without a roof, in a cavern that sported a large light crystal in its peak. This worked well, as a light crystal of that size left no shadows, or places for the darkness to hide. Though irritating for any worker who assisted the dwarves placed there, the veterans found peace and even wrestled back a measure of sanity. In the end, nearly everyone who worked at the facility had stayed there at some point, and it resembled more of a rather strange apartment block than a mental health facility. It also had the peculiar habit of giving the people who stayed there strange abilities. This was ignored until a drow raiding party attacked the facility seeking slaves and easy loot due to its out-of-the-way location. The inmates fought back far harder than anticipated, annihilating the party with conjured flames and painful amounts of light. Since then Crystal Dreams Sanatorium has taken on a much different purpose than the one it was intended to first fulfill.


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