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Dwarven Druids

Druids: Shepherd, Spores, Primeval, Dreams   Dwarven Shepherds or Tenders as they are more often referred to, is also incredibly important in dwarven society, some of whom train to become druids, going from Tenders to Keepers, and gaining a magical affinity for their charges. These then further diversify themselves into three camps, The Grey Tenders, who cultivate a close bond with a Marble Crawler (Hawk), a Stoneeater Mole (Bear), or a Dross Beetle (Unicorn). Regardless of what they chose, or chose them, the Keeper is very highly valued and generally takes leadership positions within the various circles.   Dwarven Circle of Spore Druids, or Sporetenders are in charge of two very different but equally as important duties. One, they maintain the infrastructure of a dwarven city, namely the sewer, and other water systems. They also grow the crops on which the dwarves rely as the main part of their diet. In order to do this they pipe the city’s refuse to a central point far underground, where they grow the mushrooms. Such extreme recycling is necessary for a dwarven city to remain functional and sustainable. The job is a dirty one, but one that is absolutely vital to the city, and as such most dwarves would never mention the stink that hovers over a sporetender at nearly all times. To kill someone in such a revered position is also incredibly taboo, and will result in the guilty party being stoned to death in full view of the entire city. Most citizens will also volunteer their bodies to serve as a Husk in service of the sporetenders should they perish. There does exist a small number of sporetenders who join the military and use their skills in a more offensive manner, though they are rare, but feared all the same.   Dwarven Primeval Druids are called Firespeakers and have heard the thrum at the heart of the Earth Song. Now with a deep, primordial connection to the very core of the world, they find that they are able to call forth creatures that have not been seen in millennia, and who have never even seen the surface world. These creatures come in several different forms, be it the Lavabelly Worm, the Ashen Firebeast, or the Bloodfire Golem. They also start to physically change, their skin darkening, and hardening, while their eyes gain a red gleam. Eventually, they will no longer need to eat, or sleep and will stop aging, their skin having become like armor, and their eyes gaining a powerful glow. Intensely respected, and even revered by some, Firespeakers are allowed a certain political leniency usually reserved for the nobility.   Dwarven Druids of The Dream Circle are called wardens of The Sapphire Dream. The Land of Sapphire is a strange blue-tinted world where all dwarves go when they dream. Though it is impossible for dreamers to consciously interact with a chosen individual, it is not uncommon to stumble upon a fellow dreamer. Dwarven dreams are always semi-lucid, with parts being outside of their control while other parts are not. Though rare, nightmarish creatures do attack and sometimes even consume the dreamer, turning them into a Screamer, a mindless shadow-like creature that will attack anyone. Standing against these creatures is the Saphire Wardens, a group first founded by the emerald entity, a greenish ghost-like creature who occasionally saves a random dwarf from the nightmare creatures. Upon being visited, or saved by the Emerald Entity, the dwarf gains an uncanny aptitude to shape the dream realm. If they cultivate this power, they may eventually become a true Warden of the Sapphire Dream.   Stars   wildfire   moon   land   stars   twilight


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