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Dwarven Wizards

Wizard: Aberration, Bladesinging, Chronurgy, Enchantment, Evocation, Gravirurgy, Order of Scribes, Transmutation, War Magic, Runecrafter.   Dwarves used to have a singular ancient school that taught every manner of class from the clerical to the martial, to the magical, though with the fall of The First City, they have since defaulted to the more clan-centric practice of elders taking students from members other members within the family/clan. This doesn't always work out though and those who lack a teacher or a student are sometimes forced to look outside their family and take on other family’s progeny as students. This manner of one-on-one teaching is present in all manner of education from blacksmithing to wizardry. Though there have been attempts at greater standardization this has only been partially successful. Although there are no larger schools in the traditional sense that are popular with the younger, shorter-lived creatures, would-be teachers must at least convince the ruling council of their city that their teachings are up to a certain standard and thus are worthy of earning their silver certification, marking their teachings as worthy of being passed down. This mark is integral, as without the dwarf in question may only call themselves a tutor, with it however, they become a preceptor, or if they have more than five silver certifications they are called a pedagogue. Dwarven skills lie primarily in, abjuration and transmutation, though they are moderately skilled in all available schools they find psionics to be particularly difficult, partially due to their resistance to the art backfiring against them.   Dwarven Bladesingers, or Stone Singers as they are called by the dwarves have no connection to the elvish tradition of blade singing. Rather, the dwarves call upon the Earth Song to empower their bodies, minds, and spirits. With each thundering crack of whatever blunt weapon they are wielding and stomp of their feet, the earth song grows louder. Other dwarves feel emboldened as the song builds, and the hum starts to resonate through the surrounding area. Other than favoring warhammers, they also wear heavy steel boots simply called stompers that help punctuate their song. In addition, they have a ceremonial breastplate that offers little protection and instead serves as a sort of cymbal, and is called a crashplate.   Abjuration is one of the schools of magic which the dwarves are most familiar with. Every squad usually has at least one ‘Buckler’ or aberration specialist whose whole goal is to protect his squad and usually carries no weapons save for a small, ceremonial axe made of a brittle metal which they break upon entering a large battle. This symbolizes that their squad is their weapon, and the caster, is their shield, the act serving to bond the group and empower their wills.   Chronurgy and Graviturgy, or time magic and Gravity magic are rare fields of study, both of which the dwarves are experts. However, despite this expertise, few have mastered either, as the process is lengthy, and requires immense willpower, and patience. Even garnering the smallest amount of skill takes a considerable investment that most simply refuse to pay. Those who do commit will find themselves pulled from society, and locked in isolation cells deep underground. There they study the Earth Song and meditate for years at a time. With little food save for extremely spartan rations, they rarely speak unless it is to their master during their rare one-on-one sessions. They seek complete stillness, and to be immersed so fully in the earthsong that they can feel the world around them as an extension of themselves. The main difference between the two comes down to how physically demanding their study is. Where Chronurgy demands that their learners remain completely still for days or even weeks, blurring their concept of time, those who wish to master graviturgy must keep moving. They must put themselves under immense physical strain, shouldering huge weights, and carrying with them increasingly larger stones. When they can carry with them the final rock, called the omenstone, their studies are usually complete, and they are allowed to leave. When finally mastery is achieved, the wizard in training returns quiet, distant, and caring very little for most pleasures. Some who study time develop a strange second sight that pierces backward, or forwards in time, though this is a rare gift. Those who master gravity manipulation sometimes find that they are completely immovable, or are capable of great feats of strength that should not even be physically possible.   Evocation is a much-valued school in dwarven society, given how easily it is turned to the task of war. Those who excel in the school are favored above most others and pushed into advanced classes that focus on a single type of damage out of the usual cold, fire, force, and lightning. Those who focus on fire find themselves spending a year or two serving with the Forgetender while cold specialists go to the surface to prove themselves against the icy northern winds. Lightning wielders test themselves against the powerful blasts of the battalion. Finally, those who wish to master spells such as magic missile and the like will usually apprentice under a monk for a year, learning the inner control necessary to unleash truly devastating manifestations of pure force.   Transmutation was created when early dwarves tried to create gold from stone though such focus soon shifted. These early forays into transmutation were considered a failure but bore fruit when they accidentally discovered steel. In collaboration with foregemasters, these early transmutation wizards were able to perfect the art and take the craft of smelting to a new high. Even today, transmutation wizards are more often than not called 'smelters' as the word for one has become so intertwined with the other, and most master blacksmiths have at least a passing understanding of transmutation even if they themselves are not wizards. The school only became what it is today after the discovery of Heartstone and how to craft them. These heart stones are compressed rock that students spend years crushing smaller and smaller. Initially used as an exercise in using all of one’s magic each day, it was soon discovered that these stones took on abnormal qualities. Master heart-crafters spend their entire lives creating these stones and embuing them with a variety of different effects. Though not all who learn transmutation go down this path, all have at least a passing understanding of them.   The Order Of Scribes in dwarven society is referred to as the Delven Spelunking Society, or simply the D.S.S to most. Self-reliant scholars, and scribes, they are also apt cavers, explorers, and historians. Diving deep into the forgotten parts of the earth, they made a name for themselves when they recovered the Enigma Wand. With their fame reaching new heights, the DSS opened new branches, trained new initiates, and funded new endeavors. Since then they have managed to recover many artifacts of legend, and though their true goals are always the preservation of history and knowledge they fund these expeditions by taking wealthy patrons and high-paying jobs. The awakening of the DSS’s tomes of magic began as an accident, with one of their founders copying a spell they couldn't understand. In time the book gathered enough ambient magic to awaken just in time to save its owner’s life. Thus began the long, and storied tradition of inscribing this spell in all young initiate’s tomes for future use.   Dwarven War Mages are highly prized for their skill and survivability. This survivability is not wholly the result of pure training, however, as they also consume a fist-sized mana crystal to gain a deeper well of power, and the ability to turn aside hostile magic launched at them. This process is not always successful, with the chance of death or complication being small but not insignificant. These complications range from a relatively benign change in eye color to a bright, almost glowing blue color to immediate death. In between such extremes, some begin to sprout mana crystals from their body, have body parts spontaneously crystalize, or for senses to dull or disappear entirely. Though it is sometimes horrific, the power gained by the process is undeniable, so the test is still undertaken by many yearning to earn glory for their family or clan. Outside of this process, they go through the usual regime of training and testing under a master, only for much longer than most of their wizardly peers. Those who master war magic can start clans and even claim other rights and privileges that even other patriarchs cannot.   Psionics   Onomancy   Theurgy   Do more on the schools.


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