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Iron Preists

(see Gray Dwarves/The Forgotten) Unity Domain clerics are known as Iron Preists. A tradition older than all of recorded dwarven history, the iron priests have healed the broken bodies of their kinsman for as long as anyone can remember. Named for their ability to ‘speak’ to the blood within a dwarf’s body, they don't actually have any such ability. Rather it is an old superstition that grew from the knowledge that blood has a high iron count. Traditionally all dwarves that wish to reach a higher rank than captain require a set number of years spent as an Iron Priest. During this time the dwarf must wear a mask carved by their teacher so as to ensure that there is no favoritism. This tradition continues up until you reach the highest levels within the iron priesthood, at which point they take on a leadership role. Grim, and dispassionate, Iron Priests are intimidating to most, especially when they are found on the battlefield, empowering their allies.


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