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Mana Grotto

(Under Construction)

  When a Deep Well and an opening to The Outer Darkness meet, a Mana Grotto is formed. This usually creates a vast cavern large enough to contain several cities, with the size of the initial deep well indicating how big this new space becomes. Within the grotto gravity, magic, and reason are mere suggestions, with higher-tier spells becoming completely impossible. Time doesn't even seem to flow correctly within these spaces, likely because this space is both on the material plane and partially within the fey world.
  Though every single Mana Grotto is unique, they tend to follow a general rule of thumb.
  One, they are large, spherical spaces with gravity pulling anyone against the outer wall of the inner sphere. This results in anyone within being able to walk up to the top and back around all without worry of falling. This gravity extends nearly to the center of the space, allowing birds and other winged creatures to fly normally.
  Two, at the center, is a sort of pseudo sun that brings light and life to the mana grotto. This 'sun' is the deep well, only folded through space to create a point that extends backward in time to its true origin point. The color of light, and the intensity of this light varies greatly, with the largest Mana Grotto resembling Celeste, the sun which hangs above Yaroth.
  Three, they all support a diverse web of life. Mutated plants, strangely altered creatures of the Underdark, and odd monsters can be found here with the ever-illusive fey occasionally passing through without trouble. These fey even find the grotto pleasant, though not as pleasant as their home plane. Regardless of where the entity originated, if they stay in the grotto for long, they become strange, be it in mind, or in body.
  Fourth, and last of the rules is to avoid the unstable mana grottos. These ancient places of power have grown unstable, with their power sources running out and causing fluctuations that will cause everything from earthquakes to eventually an implosion. The collapse of the False Star is usually enough to leave the entire thing buried in millions of tons of stone but occasionally this creates a 'False Grotto' wherein the sun disappears, but the cavern remains. Gravity returns to normal, and the strange otherworldly rules of the grotto go with it. This is what usually happens, occasionally a False Grotto may form where the gravity remains altered, or the strange anti-magic field stays.
  Notable Mana Grottos:


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