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Nazreed The Bountiful

Dwarven Genie Pact Warlocks are not as uncommon as one may assume, for the dwarves have some experience dealing with the strange wish granters. Namely, Narazeed the Bountiful, a strange genie who set up shop in a dwarven city despite the ruling council’s wishes. After a brief standoff with the local guard, Narazeed was given a license and allowed to continue his business. This is even though one of his offered services is the granting of wizard-like power to any who pays him a great enough sum. The price for such a service changes constantly, swinging from the acquisition of an incredibly rare gem, to a pile of fresh orphan teeth. Rare is the individual who actually has what he requires, keeping the actual number of people he gifts power to low. Those lucky few find that they can see magic in a way that even centuries-old wizards wish they could. Manipulating it with the ease of one born of the realms of chaos, these warlocks slowly become more and more alike their patron as they age.


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