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The Survorad/Mind Flayer
  Origin: Named for first having been fought at the fortress of Uvash Stukosurvarad, a dwarven settlement of considerable size. One of the oldest, and deepest bastions of the dwarves, it survived waves of deep one attacks relatively unscatched. That was until these terrifying creatures began to appear, granting the usually mindless swarm of abominations a semblance of intelligence and cunningthey don't have individually. Arrogant from their success, and unwilling to change tactics, the defenders of Uvash found themselves perpetually on the backfoot. Their foe seemed to know everything they did and predicted their moves perfectly. It was only when they were nearly overwhelmed did their leader, a general by the name of Geshud Deephammer, reveal themselves to have been a sleeper agent. The seasoned dwarven commander seemed to grow confused before his body seemed to explode from the inside out, allowing a new being to be birthed from the hot viscera that used to be a dwarf. This twisting mass of flesh coalesced into the first of the Survorad to be seen by dwarven kind and in its birth frenzy it devoured nearly the entire command structure before a few survivors could escape.
  Though Uvash Stukosurvorad was their first reported appearance, it is likely that the Survorad have existed for far longer. For although their are few official reports indicating their presence, several notable fortressess have fallen under similar situations.
  Modern Place: Rarely spotted, and even rarer dealt with, they occasionally make deals with dark elves though these are limited as she who waits in shadow seems uncharacteristically wary of the creatures.
  Society: Unknown.
  Beliefs: Unknown.
  Relation to Other Species: Antagonistic towards all, but especially so versus the dwarves, the Suvorad seem slightly less interested in attacking the dark elves.
  Variety and General Appearance: Depends on what creature birthed them, as they will retain some small modicum of their host’s identity such as a dwarf’s stocky appearance. Though the exact method of infection is unknown it is assumed not to be physical as even the most advanced of healing tehcniques can discover no parasite.
  Abilities: Depends on the individual though most seem able to have a limited precognition, and the ability to read minds, as well as manipulate the legions of the deep.


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