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The Barbed Chain

Chaotic Evil The Barbed Chain
  Group Formation. Though originally founded far before the War Of The Nine Kingdoms , The Barbed Chain only rose to prominence during the latter half of said conflict. During this time they were responsible for breaching the walls of an enemy keep and leading the slaughter of its inhabitants. The original creators and leaders of The Barbed Chain have been forgotten to history as they were killed during ritualistic duels where the winner kills the loser and takes their position on The Barbed Chain. Since then they were single-handedly responsible for driving the final nail into the coffin of the important dwarven settlement, and they gained great esteem. Nowadays a company can be found in nearly every country east of Skyclaw Citadel .
  Mission. Power and strength above everything. The only rule is that when a challenge is declared, the individual lower on The Barbed Chain has twenty-four hours to kill their superior. If they fail or run out of time, they are either killed or subjected to some manner of torture at their master’s whim. Though they are still a mercenary company they are more likely to become a liability than an asset. Given that The Barbed Chain has members including demons, aasimar, and even the undead it is hard to argue that they are not powerful enough to handle any job.
  Group Organization. Each member of The Barbed Chain is branded in a visible, and painful location by the iron of servitude. Once this ritualistic process is complete, the individual is enslaved to the person directly above them on the hierarchy. The only way out at this point is to ascend the ranks, and either earn a nod from the wielder, which releases you from the pact, or you die in the process of attempting this. Either that or you ultimately kill the wielder and replace them. At which point one may presumably disband The Barbed Chain though that has obviously never happened before. Either way, the various groups are organized into gangs of roughly fifty individuals who fall under a master.
  Leader. Its highest position is called The Wielder, given that they ‘wield’ The Barbed Chain. Every other member of The Barbed Chain is enslaved to the person directly above them, with Withergar at the very top of the hierarchy. A powerful demon who swiftly rose up the ranks, Withergar is a ruthless despot determined to gain as much power and wealth as possible.
  Recent History. The last fifty years have seen the rapid expansion of The Barbed Chain after they were instrumental in the dwarven rout during the end of War Of The Nine Kingdoms. This expansion slowed somewhat, only to resume once Withergar killed his master and ascended to the wielder.
  Opinion/Enemies. Hated by all but the most cutthroat or desperate, few would dare risk the chance of The Barbed Chain turning on you. Despite this unpleasant reputation, they are undeniably effective. As such they are still in relatively high demand.


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