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The Circle Of Thorns

True Neutral The Circle Of Thorns
  Group Formation. If rumour is to be believed then the circle of thorns is one of the oldest druid orders on Yaroth. Supposedly established by Ormedehal when he was the only elven god in existence, the circle of thorns shared their druidic knowledge far and wide. That was until the War Of Bloody Roots when they became a military organization bent on stopping Aedwyn’s advance. After Ormedehal’s defeat and supposed death, the circle was disbanded. It was then reformed during the War Of The Nine Kingdoms and continues to exist to this day. Though some say that it was never disbanded in the first place and the old and new circle are one and the same.
  The Circle Of Thorns Sub Factions The circle itself is more of a larger governing body that controls The Circle Of Stones, and several deep wood enclaves. Minor circles, or groups of druids will pledge their service to the circle of thorns for a period of years or decades depending on how much they wish to learn. During this time they operate as agents of the circle, going out into the wider world to reacquire lost knowledge. These lesser groups vary in size and importance and listed below are just a few of the larger ones.
  The Tree Speakers As their name implies they are friends to the Treant, spirggans (see Treant), and all other plants who walk. Largely endangered even hundreds of years after the war of the bloody roots, these plants who walk are guarded fiercely by the tree speakers. Devoted to the care, cultivation and defense of these creatures, the speakers have an uncanny ability to speak with plants. They also form close intergenerational bonds with ancestor treants who in turn watch over a family. The older speakers become, the more treelike properties they gain. They may also choose to bond with a treant at the moment of their death, becoming one with the venerable tree. If this process is successful, the treant (now called a bloodroot treant) gains glowing, fiery eyes, and a considerable, innate talent for magic.
  The circle of the Seven-Pointed Star One of the few groups with any knowledge of the ancient Moonwells thought lost to the ages, seven-pointed star druids are strange even amongst their odd kin. Almost completely nocturnal, with owl or raven-like properties they are renowned seers and oracles. It is said that occasionally a child may grow a single black feather somewhere on their body. These marked individuals are then either given to the circle of the seven-pointed star or taken during a full moon. Regardless if these individuals return they come back changed, different, quieter, and with odd powers that they may not comprehend. Those who don't return, stay with their new family and eventually become fully fledged druids in their own right.
  Shadowvale Druids Part druid, part assassin, these druids have little in the way of morals, and ruthlessly stalk their targets. Their methods of assassination are far more subtle than those others who may share their grim profession. A seemingly random snake attack, spider bite, or deadly encounter with a rare and toxic mushroom may all be the work of a Shadowvale druid. Masters of disguise, and patient in the extreme it is said that it's nearly impossible to tell when, or even if, they are attacking you. That is until it is already too late.
  Mission. Regardless of their true origin, the circle of thorns still seeks out druidic knowledge and brings it back to The Deep Woods where it is cataloged in the circle of stones. The actual acquisition of this knowledge is usually done through trading, be it the temporary service of a powerful druid, or as mercenaries. Though they usually try to acquire this knowledge through lawful means, the circle of thorns is not above underhanded tactics. Seeing the ‘return’ of information they considered stolen during the war of Bloody Roots, as a higher importance than any local laws.
  Group Organization. As the circle of thorns is actually made up of several other smaller circles, and groves they have a varied hierarchy. They generally divide themselves between two groups, war-sworn, and wanderers. Wanderers do as their name implies, going out into the wider world and seeking druidic knowledge. The warsworn are a military group used to either take what they want by force, or to serve as mercenaries. They also contribute several units to the Silvaran army as a tithe. Actual organization from there is dependent on the druid’s original circle.
  Leader. Gilt-Leaf, a rare blood root treant older than the war of bloody roots, serves as the head librarian of the circle of stones. Though such a title may not infer much authority, she actually serves as the leader of the Circle of the Thorns. She is aided in command by the green council, a group made up of the leaders from each of the groves/circles that have been pledged to the circle of thorns.
  Recent History. The daring daytime raid of a particularly obstinate and cruel minor noble house by the hands of the circle of thorns has strained relations somewhat. It has also made people view the wanderers as potential spies.
  Opinion/Enemies. Mostly respected for their knowledge, and generally amicability, they are sometimes considered little more than vagabond thieves. Gilt-Leaf herself is also very antagonistic towards the high elves and there are rumours she secretly funds separatist movements within Skyclaw Citadel.

Learning and discovery are two sides of the same coin.

Alliance, Military


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