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The First Crusade

Lawful Good The First Crusade   Group Formation. Made up almost entirely of aasimar whose blood line has not been ‘corrupted’ by copulating with mortal races. Though they have a slightly racist bent to it they do not consider themselves truly above other races. Merely that by breeding within the first crusader lines they keep their angelic powers more potent.   Mission. Regardless of their more puratanical views on race mixing within the order, they are the epitome of what it means to be a paladin. Though officially they are pledged to the minor pantheon, and more specifically Silvari, for her part brokering the great peace their devotion is split. Faygrim the vengeant flame also holds great respect within the order, though the number of knights truly devoted to him and him alone are few.   Group Organization. Their organization has a strict hierarchy of tetrarchs where one master teaches two students at once. These tetrarchs live almost their entire lives together, and only break apart should one of the members die or either of the juniors feel as though they are ready to ascend to rank of master themself. When this happens they are tested by their own master, and two others. Should they pass, they then seek out two learners of their own and form their own tetrarch.   Leader. At the top of their organization is the first crusader, an aasimar whose angelic blood burns so bright that they do not age as other mortals do. Rumoured to have been one of the first angels to descend from heaven after being guided to Yaroth by Faygrim they are an enigmatic being.   Recent History. They have few notable successes that they can truly call their own, as they primarily act to keep secure The City of Many Steps, or the aasimar capital that has portals connecting it all across Yaroth. At one point they were much more active, but during the war of the nine kingdoms they were spread thin and nearly wiped out. Now fewer in number they seek glory and fame in order to increase their prestige amongst the other aasimar orders.   Opinion/Enemies. Largely considered antiquated or even a myth, much of the world think that they were destroyed. Their enemies are many, as their strict code of ethics demand they strike down any tainted by sin. Particularly antagonistic towards Tieflings, they also have come in conflict several times with Kurporo, arch pitfiend. It is rumoured that the first crusader has personally done battle with the demon several times, though has yet to strike a fatal blow.

Through purity, victory.

Founding Date
Military, Knightly Order


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