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The First Fang

Lawful Neutral The First Fang   Group Formation. Founded like many such orders, during the war of the nine kingdoms, this society of knights is not the kind many expect. Made up almost entirely of shifters, lycanthropes, and halfbreed beast men, they cut a more intimidating shape than most. Regardless of their appearance, they subscribe to a slightly blended version of the Western Aarokocran religion. Influenced by a charismatic monk who fought alongside the order during its infancy, they adopted many of the monk’s ideas. First and foremost is an intense control of self, utilizing meditation and ritual to contain their bestial urges and reach a zen-like state that allows them to keep their mind even when transformed.   Mission. Since the end of the war, the First Fang have split up and spread out, seeking gainful employment as mercenaries. They also seek out individuals who have recently contracted lycanthropy, or who have activated their latent shifter blood. These people are taught to control themselves, and given the opportunity to return to society though most chose to stay with their knight captain and become a member of the first fang.   Group Organization. Each knight captain travels independently, recruiting aspirants as they see fit though it's usually assumed that they train at least one trainee over a two-year period. The main bulk of the First Fang remains in shifter lands, where they make up larger bands of fully trained knights. These bands, (referred to as outriders once they are on a mission) loyalty are then purchased by various minor lords or countries to fight their wars or conflicts provided they fit the First Fang’s stringent views of ethics.   Leader. The Seven Swords are the ruling council of the First Fang, and are stationed permanently in the capital of shifter territory. Their they plan the order’s future while also serving as advisors for various lords at various times of the year. Seen as venerable warriors, potent leaders, and worldly individuals, the seven swords are highly valued for their advice even outside their order.   Recent History. Cautious, and reserved by nature, First Fang outriders and knights are highly valued mercenaries. However that reputation has been tarnished somewhat after the battle of Blood Haven, where the town they were paid to defend was butchered by the outriders sent to aid them against invasion by a foreign lord. Though the outriders claim it was a trap set by overzealous werewolf hunters, rumors are much more difficult foe to slay. As such they are seen with some suspicion and are less accepted the further one goes from shifter land.   Opinion/Enemies. Despite this suspicion, it's difficult to turn down their relatively inexpensive rates especially when you consider what you get in return. A nine-foot-tall snarling wolfman wielding a greatsword in each hand tends to intimidate most foes before fighting even begins. That hasn't stopped several enterprising bands of hunters from attempting to kill or capture First Fang members for sport or out of a mostly misplaced fear of lycanthropes.

To control one's self is to control the battle.

Military, Knightly Order
Ruling Organization


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