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The Nightbound

The Nightbound.
  Group Formation. A loose coalition of hunter groups centered on killing Vampires, werewolves Werewolves, Demons and other dark creatures they believe should not exist in polite society. Originally founded nine centuries ago, the organization was nearly destroyed almost a dozen times. Routinely raided by more organized families of vampires or werewolves they were also slandered publicly and had their reputation ruined. Despite the repeated attempts to quash the organization it always returned, slowly rising to prominence in more lawful lands. During and for the majority of its existence, the nightbound network was just that, a network of informants, shopkeepers, and other individuals who would band together in order to assist hunters in their missions. Actual agents of the nightbound were rare, and usually focused on preserving monster hunting knowledge or defending The Obsidian Library, a vast trove of information on demons, and other creatures. Since then the Nightbound has lost the obsidian library, but also become much more active, bringing various hunter organizations under their collective banner.
  Mission. Though the disparate parties vary greatly in their own mission, they collectively fall under the banner of the nightbound for both protection and assistance. Their goal was originally to wipe out vampirism, and lycanthropy which they saw as diseases in need of excising. Since then their mission has evolved to encompass many dark forces they deem evil. Though they can vary greatly in level of brutality and ruthlessness, those who fall under the nightbound banner more directly inevitably lose what little mercy they may have for their enemies.
  Group Organization. Though the majority of the Nightbound still have their own rules, traditions, and cultures, these hunter organizations are becoming increasingly rare. Under Dulzin’s command, the many groups are being standardized, and assimilated in order to better complete their mission. The majority of the guilds are small and less formal, with their strategies and overall organization varying greatly. Those who call themselves Druzin’s irregulars act more as a mercenary force, gathering funds from locals in return for clearing out whatever creature is causing them problems. Depending on the level of harm being done to the community, they may go straight to killing it though they will then go around and seek donations for what they did.
  Leader. Dulzin Crackstone currently leads the coalition, though his rise to power is recent, his control is unchallenged. Backed by a mysterious benefactor some think to be a venerable high elven noble house, the scope of their operations has vastly increased in recent days. Dulzin himself lost everything during the waning days of the War Of The Nine Kingdoms. His entire family was butchered by tieflings, and his home was pillaged shortly after. Dulzin escaped by sheer luck, the dwarf falling down a mineshaft during a fateful confrontation with a Balor. Though he emerged victorious sometime later, he was a changed man. Scarred, bitter, and resentful, he dedicated himself from that moment on to the complete annihilation of tieflings and demons whom he saw as one and the same.
  Recent History. Dulzin Crackstone alongside a mysterious benefactor has seized control of the organization and rapidly militarized it. What had begun as a loosely collected group of hunters has become a force to be reckoned with in recent years. Now seeking the lost obsidian library, they aim to take back the night and bring down any who would oppose them.
  Opinion/Enemies. Hated by the Tieflings, tolerated occasionally by the The Scaled Lords , embraced by High Elves/Aedyr, the nightbound have a complicated relationship with institutionized power. States, and other government entities occasionally rely on the nightbound to clean up their messes while still despising the fact that they cannot control the nightbound, nor curb their sometimes extremist tendencies.


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