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The Sacred Order Of the Blazing Spear/The Aedenian Banking Family

Neutral Good The Sacred Order Of the Blazing Spear/The Aedenian Banking Family   Group Makeup/formation. The Aedenian Banking family is an old and venerable human organization with branches that stretch nearly from coast to coast. As the name implies the leaders of these banks are related either by blood or law, creating a surprisingly close-knit organization despite the distance between some branches. Regardless of where they are, these branches always sport a detachment from the order of the blazing spear. Who, were themselves originally a small mercenary firm contracted to protect the banks as they expanded westward. Since then they have evolved to become a pseudo military force under the command of the banks. Altruistic, but uncaring as to the legality of their actions they are well loved by those they help, and hated by the lords whose toes they step on.   Mission. Their desires are simple, to assist the down trodden, and the poor through the use of their financial leverage. This could mean aggressively expanding into a housing market dominated by a single corrupt baron and using their power and influence to undercut him. Or giving low-interest loans to shops who may have been forced into a protection racket and using this as leverage to place their own detail of Blazing Spears in the area, ensuring that they couldn't get muscled in on again. Occasionally the spears may also be contracted in reclaiming lost deeds, or ancient artifacts but only if doing so would assist their partner organization in some way.   Group Organization. Higher-ups within the family are expected to serve for a certain length of time with the spears. Thus the hierarchies of both are fairly intertwined with one another, resulting in several families dominating a majority of these upper positions. Though relation is not necessary, it is heavily favored as it helps to ensure loyalty and cohesion. The mid to lower ranks are a different story, as these soldiers are usually contracted from other organizations or local mercenaries on a term basis. Due to the high pay, and generous benefits, many of these hires become permanent members, allowing them to move up the ranks.   Leader. The Aedenian family and the twelve patriarchs are the heads of the organization, though each branch is granted a certain level of autonomy. These patriarchs meet once a year at an undisclosed location to consider global strategy and plan further expansion. The actual title of patriarch is not gender restrictive, as although at one point it was a position held only by men, that has changed over time.   Recent History. Recently the target of a conspiracy insinuating that their goals are anything but altruistic, they are now looked upon with some suspicion in some areas. Several branches have also gone rogue, cutting ties with the rest of the organization and declaring independence. Some speculate that this division will deepen into a sort of civil war, but that is uncertain at this time.   Opinion/Enemies. Though they mostly use their wealth to better the world, they are still treated with suspicion by some. Their expansion is also occasionally halted rather violently by corrupt lords, and kings who know full well that they will actively work to undermine them. In addition, the Green Dragon Empire considers them enemies of the state, meaning few branches can be found in their territory.

For the People.

Financial, Bank
Ruling Organization


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