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The Third Founding General

Starting as a mere peasent levy they rose through the ranks to become one of the first high general's, a position that was equaled in power by only the king themself. Though eventually forced into retirement early, they continue to hold a semi mythical position in dwarven society and splinter groups continue to advocate for their reinstatement, and even elevation to the position of king. Though their name has been purposefully forgotten to spite them for their cruelty, pretenders claiming to be the "First High General" continue to pop up every now and then.
  Third Founding/the refounding of Idrastkor. Led by one of the greatest dwarven generals in history, the third founding saw them rise through the ranks, and eventually retake the powerful mining city Idrastkor‌ from the dark ones.
  Fourth Founding/the refounding of Irolsazad. Only fifteen short years after the previous founding, the shortest time between any founding, the same general that had refounded Idrastkor‌ retook its closest neighbor, Irolsazad‌. Though successful, the general had grown arrogant and employed effective, but costly tactics that saw morale fall to abysmal levels. In the end, though victorious many lay dead, and the general saw themselves quietly put into retirement.


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