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The Unbroken Brotherhood

Chaotic Good The Unbroken Brotherhood (More often referred to simply as the Unbroken)   Group Makeup/formation. Are made up almost completely of Aedyr who opposed their more imperialist brothers, most notably, house Numeron, who was instrumental in the defeat of House Kenndal ‘Vat. The newer and lower ranks are almost completely made up of freed slaves of a variety of races and origins. The eldest among them is Aedyr who rebelled during the war of the nine kingdoms and caused multiple slave uprisings. During the waning days of the war, they escaped the bounds of the Aedyr empire and fled out into the wider world. Those who did not retire banded together in order to continue their mission of liberation.   Mission. Their knightly order is not devoted to any one god though they are not disallowed from worship. Rather they see the majority of gods as ancilery to their mission and are thus a distraction more than anything. The one exception is Vexarus who a select few of the Unbroken devote themselves to fully. The cruel goddess of the goblins marks her servants with a jagged scar somewhere on their bodies. These members are called the hatebound by those who oppose them while they themselves consider themselves to be the true unbroken brotherhood.   Group Organization. Their organization is less formalized than in other orders, with the leader or breaker usually commanding a small unit of anywhere from 2-20 learners. These classes are almost always made up of the people freed by the elder member, who in turn teach them how to survive. After being freed, they then go on a sojourn, leading the former slaves to somewhere safe, usually a sanctuary village hidden away somewhere. Once they reach their destination they are given the choice of joining the order and taking the oath of brotherhood.   Leader. Though they have no true leader, most of the sects look to the penitent prince, a former high lord of the Aedyr who defected and began the revolt that lead to the brotherhood’s creation. Those amongst the hatebound see his rule as illegitimate, though they give him a begrudging respect. The prince himself is largely uninvolved with the day to day running of the brotherhood.   Recent History. Since the war of the nine kingdoms concluded with the trial of Nicenia, the Unbroken have spread out. Working as small independent networks with only loose ties to the larger organization they have diversified considerably. Though their independent motives/methods vary, they are all devoted to the liberation of the world’s enslaved peoples.   Opinion/Enemies. The target of frequent hunts by Aedyr old families, the Unbroken Brotherhood rightfully distrust most high elves. The old members, or those Aedyr who rebelled alongside their freed slaves are considered high-value targets. Killing, or taking one alive is usually enough to alleviate a minor noble house to a higher stature. Outside of the Aedyr they are also generally disliked by nations who either embrace the slave trade or who turn a blind eye to it.

Through the sword, freedom!

Alternative Names
The Unbroken


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