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Urvad Icebrew

Notable Phantom Rogues is the bard, Urvad Icebrew, famed for his haunting vocals and loud performances.
  Phantom Rogue Dwarves are called The Voiceless, and they come to be after an individual becomes surrounded by the dead while they are the only ones left alive. Survivors of brutal battles, children saved from butchered towns, and the sole survivor of a large-scale accident, all can become one of the voiceless. Once that requirement is met, these individuals often find themself visited by a ghostly figure that moves amongst the dead. Descriptions vary wildly, but all claim that they are clad in a white cloak that covers almost all of their features. After this survivors continue to appear normal, save for gaining a haunting gaze, but it is when they speak that the true change is made apparent. Their voice becomes deeper, distorted somewhat, as if it is coming from a deep well rather than the mouth of a living creature, unnerving all who hear it. As such most take on vows of silence, or otherwise speak as little as possible. So long as they continue staying close to death their connection to it grows, and they become more powerful with time. Eventually, they become deathless, unaging, and increasingly distant before simply disappearing. Notable Phantom Rogues is the bard, Urvad Icebrew, famed for his haunting vocals and loud performances.


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