The Isle of the Dead Geographic Location in Yarth | World Anvil
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The Isle of the Dead

While Hewa or any other Hero of old has not had a confirmed sighting in centuries this isle was once Hewas home. given Hewas skills in Cognomancy and Oblangation life here does not end at death.


far from the light of sol near the south pole light rarely shines at full intensity here. The isles rolling hills covered in a thick black grass. the ruins on the isle suggest that the whole island was an ancient civilizations research outpost, many of these terrifying structures have been cleaned and repaired by undead servants the buildings and the corpses alike resurrected for some unknown purpose.

Fauna & Flora

The black grasses that grow on the isle seem to draw energy from the ground instead of Sol like most everything else on Yarth. the fauna here is typical and even lives and breeds typically feeding on the black grasses or each other. even more impressive is that Hewa has followers who live on the island farming the grasses like a wheat grinding its stalks into flour and fermenting their roots into alcohol. obviously one can not live on bread. I have noticed on several occasions animals dying in the wilderness then rising once more as an undead the creature. the creature will then, before it even begins to rot, deliver itself to the nearest settlement and lie down on a kind of sacrifical alter where the settlers will then carve up the creature taking its meat for food.

Natural Resources

The people who live here could very well have the most meat rich diet on Straubin, possibly even Yarth. while the black bread made from these grasses is edible it smells foul and tastes rather rancid the villagers assure me its an acquired taste. the black beer made from the grasses roots on the other hand, is quite good tasting somewhat of licorice with a very strong bite.
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