Academy of Blati


The original building, constructed in 62 BP by the cultivated Emperor Claudius III, housed key works from astronomers, historians, and scientists, translated into Classical Elvish and Ikarian for the Empire's elite literati.   Under Emperor Eutychius I, the Imperial Library was transformed into a prestigious academy, funded by tributes from the Northern Barbarians and trade tithes on foreign traders. Construction of the new buildings lasted 9 years, and at the inauguration, the emperor donated surviving books from the sack of Ikaria in 460 AP. A list of missing books was sent to other libraries for recovery.   Emperor Eutychius opened the academy to all races, making it a centre for cultural and intellectual exchange, attracting scholars from across Yeia and ensuring the prosperity of the Blatian capital as new discoveries emerged from the Imperial Library.  

Location and description of the building

The Academy is located in Blati's second district. West of the Imperial Palace complex and the Great Temple of Blati, south of the Monastery of Tyr and North of the Senate House and the Forum of Peace. It is also located nearby the Foreign Quarter of the city, where many foreign students that can afford to rent something within the city live.   The building has a cross-shaped floor plan with a vaulted room in the middle (the library). The northern end of the building is the laboratory, while the western and eastern wings are reserved for classrooms where classes are held. The Academy also has adjoining gardens, donated to the academy by important Blatian families, where students can chat or study.  


  The Academy of Blati has 31 chairs: two for law; two for philosophy, four for medicine, three for history, four for rhetoric (two are given in Classical Elvish and the other two in Ikarian language), three for astronomy and mathematics, five for magic, 4 for alchemy and chemistry, two for physics and one for art.   At the head of the university is the Director, chosen by the teachers and whose appointment has to be signed by the Emperor of Blati himself. Its main role is to organize the academic year (which teachers will teach and which new subjects will be taught each year) as well as managing the funds and budget allocated to the Academy and sign the diplomas of the graduates.

Current famous Teachers at the Academy

by Callyxtus
Cleon of Tyria: Dean of Rethoric, was, many years ago, a highly respected lawyer and politician in his home city in Lower Oronia, renown for its great speeches, he even pronounce an speech praising the Oronai King during his birthday.   He was hired by the Academy some 20 years ago, and his reputation has only grown over the years. In all these years at the service of the Academy, he has taught the art of public speaking to a couple of generations of very talented politicians, both from Blati and from abroad.
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by Heroforge
by Callyxtus
Valeria Moonroot: The famous half elf teacher of magic, her father migrated from the Old South and married into the lesser Blatian nobility. Her destiny was to serve as a lady in waiting of one of the Blatian princesses but her passion for magic and knowledge finally convinced her father to allow her to study at the academy, becoming a Great Sage. Students love her classes because of her kindness and how easy she makes learning magic look like.
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by Heroforge
by Callyxtus
Aemilianus Lazaris: the Dean of History, he comes from a very influential Blatian family with branches in the Republic of Valia. His father was a senator, and so was he, before becoming teacher at the Academy. Aemilianus is, like Valeria, another example of a former student of the Academy turned into a teacher. His approach to teaching history is: Don't always trust the sources, and the best way to confirm or discredit a source is...DOCUMENTS!!.   He as an historian has pride himself of using the most reliable documents to write their History books, and he expects his students to consult sources such as government documents (which everyone can access), witness testimonies of the events (if possible) or even sources that we would call archaeological (in fact he has a collection of objects related to the ancient history of Ikaria) ).
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by Heroforge
by Callyxtus
Arkwi Samudtaru: the youngest daughter of a civil servant and a Namru class mother. She was hired as a teacher by the Academy after she became famous in Seria by working as a chief alchemist in Sakouramish. She also studied chemistry at the School of Sciences in the Imperial Palace with the most prestigious scientists of Seria. She is one of the most beloved teachers in the chemistry and alchemy department. Her classes are taught exclusively in Classical Elvish, although she always promises at the beginning of the course that she is improving her Ikarian and that the time will come when she will be able to teach in both languages.
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by Heroforge

Classes at the Academy

Classes usually begin at sunrise, when the first beams of light appear in the horizon. Classes are given in two languages (Classical Elvish and Ikarian).   Each class is organized as a rectangle with a seating area for students to sit and take notes, while the teacher gives the lesson in front of them . The students usually take notes in wax tablets and wax boards to help them teach the lesson to the students. A typical day of class consist on the teacher explaining today's lesson and then the students doing some exercises related to the topic.  
by Raphaëlle Deslandes
For example, students of magic might first learn an spell, and then try to use them successfully (always in a controlled manner and in a safe area). Another example would be the classes of rhetoric and public speech, destined to form the next generation of politicians, lawyers and people whose carriers are related to religion. In them, the teacher usually explains or narrates how X politician or X lawyer won a debate or a case respectively, and then the students have to write an speech using the method that person had used. Another example for rhetoric is the teacher proposing a debate about a mythical story or an historical moment; for example: Was ethical for King Kuchi to kept Mana as captive?, or how you as the future emperor Lucius II would raise the moral of your soldiers besieging the fortress of the Great Mountain?. Then, the students would form pairs and, with their roles set, in turns, they would begin the debate.

Degrees of learning

Reaching the highest levels of learning takes time. The lowest degree is adept (2 years of studies), followed by Master (4 years), Sage ( 10 years) and Great Sage ( more than 10 years). Only Sage and Great Sages can be chosen as teachers of the Academy. At the end of this period the students would undergo a final test. This is usually a project related to their studies.

Main buildings of the Academy

Academy's Library

The library originally founded by Claudius III in 62 BP was not only preserved by expanded after the construction of the Academy. It is estimated that it contains around 400.000 books from all over the known world covering all the topics imaginable. The direction of the Academy's library is the responsibility of the Chief Librarian, chosen from among the most experienced and reputable teachers . He is in charge of drawing up the book list with the help of his assistants, the so-called book keepers, whose other task is to ensure that the books are placed correctly on the shelves.   In the library, the students have access to all the knowledge stored during the centuries. The tables and seats where the students sit, read and take notes are made of marble, like the columns and the floor of the building. The students cannot take the books with them (if they do so, penalties could go from a fee to immediate expulsion from the Academy).


The Laboratory is usually the place where the students of alchemy and magic practise their skills, this is a high security area. Its sturdy walls prevent the building from suffering significant damage due to misuse of a spell or an unexpected chemical reaction. In fact this building is always guarding during class time by a pair of guards from the "vigiles" Blati's police/firefighter force. Great inventions have been created among these walls, like a prototype of an steam engine, an engine moved by magnets, glasses, an some people believe spells have been created here than can resurrect momentarily heroes from the past!.

Wisdom and effort are the basis of a great and bright future

Founding Date
Ruling Organization

Famous inventions at the Academy

  • (492 AP): Megasthenes of Myros, an Oronai scientist working at the Academy, and future Chief Librarian, invented glasses, based on two old elven works "About the magnifying glass and its properties" by Yorilien Fineblood and "About the Functioning of the Eye" by the Sun elf Atnirar yn Tudarian Keenway
  • (611 AP): The Seris Yuutak Arishmaru and the Sun Elf Yathyn yn Tyrdal invented an early form of the compass. This invention is quickly adopted by the Imperial navy and also by most sailors across Yeia.
  • (525 AP): Antonius of Dubris, the dean of Alchemy and Physics invented a version of the steam engine, this technology would soon find practical use. An special vehicle moved by steam was invented later by him that today is used to carry heavy goods from the port up to the forum. Bronze Lions and Birds that decorated the Imperial palace
  • (817 AP): The Cornelius brothers invented an engine powered by magnets and little cables made of copper. They even had a plan to use a gigantic version of it for extractions in the mines, but the Imperial government found the plan to be too expensive. Yet this is a significant feature both for Blati and for the Academy.

Cover image: by Raphaëlle Deslandes


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Sep 20, 2024 22:46 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This is a great article. I enjoy the overview of some of the famous teachers that work at the academy. They all sound so interesting, and I like you've done some portraits of them. :D Nice you have a timeline too.

Emy x
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