Aez Seloron

Located near Yemellean, the main port city of the kingdom of the Snow Elves, the city serve as a refuge during winter to the inhabitants of the neighbouring villages. Its name mean "The Shiny City".  

Layout of the settlement

The city is located on top of a mountain, with one entrance and another door on the other side of the mountain that functions as an emergency exit.

Main entrance

After going down some stairs and crossing the gigantic iron gate the visitor is not yet in the settlement proper. Instead he or she has to continue walking and descending into the depths of the cave for around 10 or 15 minutes. This way is flanked by torches lighting the way and small pools of water as well as stalagmites and stalactites that create beautiful figures, almost like from another world.

The underground lake

After crossing this way, the visitor arrives to a big lake, called, the Shiny Lake or the Blue Lake, since the luminous plankton gives it that blue color. Here, there is a small port where one can hire a boat and cross the lake to the north-east.

The Settlement itself

Once the visitor have crossed the lake, landing on the other side, he is received by the image on an enormous wall of solid rock and a magical door. If the visitor shows his good intentions both to the guards and the patron deity of the settlement, he or she is allowed to enter inside.   The layout of the city is not simetrical, due to the limited space inside the cave. There is a central avenue that leads to the main square of the settlement where the market, the palace of the ruler of the settlement and most importantly, the city's Artificial Sun are located. The Patron deity of Aez Seloron is Paryn, is the goddess of water life as well as of the flooding of the rivers, as the surface lands around the settlement are quite fertile thanks to the flooding of the rivers due to the thaw from spring onwards.   In fact a bronze statue of the goddess is located in the center of Aez Seloron's main square decorating a great fountain which supplies water from underground springs to most of the population.  


Aez Seloron is famous in the lands of the snow elves for their pearls, which they collect from the nearby sea. It is said that these pearls were even sent to Ikaria to decorate the necklaces of the ladies of the court and the nobility as well as the crowns of the emperors. These pearls are also sent to the capital, Naritlune, where they are sold to the main noble families.

Cover image: by Callyxtus


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Jul 29, 2024 13:11 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that you have to walk through a gave and go across a lake (yay, bioluminescent plankton!) to get to the entrance of the city proper. Great settlement idea. <3