Limitanei, Blatian Frontier Soldiers


Limitanei appeared after the reforms of Alexius I in the early 4th century AP, and were later reorganized by Eutychius I a century later, after the fall of the Ikarian Empire. In the last centuries of Ikaria they were the soldiers who guarded the mountain passes and the Albine Mountains region in general. With the collapse of Ikaria, some of these units served the successor states of the Empire, especially in Blati and Cloudia.   As the Blatian Empire reconquered more territories in the north from the hands of the barbarians or other Blatian petty Kings new Limitanei units were created (sometimes employing former units from those kingdoms) to guard the new frontiers.   Since then, Limitanei have become key parts in the defense system of the Blatian and Cloudian Empires against the Barbarian Kingdoms of the North, and once the frontier in the Albine Mountains was restored, against the remaining barbarians on the other side of the mountains.



Limitanei are more lightly armed than the soldiers of the field army, but their equipment is, in essence, quite similar to the mobile armies. All their equipment, especially in the stronger Ikarian successor states, is issued by the state and produced by the state in the many factories located in strategic places where damaged parts are also repaired. The frontier soldier's head is protected by an iron helmet (there are several types depending on the factory they come from) and they usually do not wear armour, although at best they may wear a gambeson.  

by Callyxtus

Officers usually wear scale armour or chain mail and more richly decorated helmets.   The soldier is protected by an oval shield that protects most of his body, and as offensive weapons the Limitanei, like their companions in the field army, use a spear and a long sword. Many of them carry around 5 darts either inside the shield or in a small quiver, which they launch at enemies who decide to charge against them.   Mounted Limitanei usually have the same armor and protections, but their weapons are usually more varied due to the different functions they can have.   Some can act as mounted skirmishers, carrying a small shield, a long sword and a pair of javelins to harass the enemy or they can also act as mounted archers. These types of units are very famous throughout the Blatian world for their marksmanship and were created from the disastrous war against the Seris, in imitation of the Namru warriors of the Seris Empire. These mounted archers usually wear lamellar armor or chain mail, and a small shield and a lance strapped to their back, so when they run out of ammunition they can act as shock cavalry. They also carry a long sword or a curved sabre and as their main weapon they use a curved bow typical of the eastern regions of the continent of Teria.

by Callyxtus



Limitanei forces are under the command of both the provincial Dux (Duke) and their respective Eparch, or governor of the province and are spread across around 9 provinces in the Blatian Empire and 5 in Cloudia.

Command structure of the Blatian army by Callyxtus

The Limitanei legions are composed of regiments of infantry as well as cavalry and misile troops and its total size is around 3000 men and represent the largest part of the Blatian Imperial army as well as the army of the Empire of Cloudia. In total, in Blati there are around 100.000 troops serving as frontier soldiers (not counting the members of the different flotillas spread across the provinces).

Types of Limitanei



Their name literally means "Those stationed in the fortress". There are the most numerous type of Limitanei. This fortresses are located on key strategic locations, near rivers, in mountain passes, or near the main roads of the Empire. Some of these fortresses resemble castles like the ones that you can find in Northern Teria or in Wesdaland but most of them have a rectangular shape similar to the marching camps of the army but instead of wood, they are made of stone.  

by Callyxtus

  Kastrensiani are recruited from the areas around the fortress and usually their families live nearby it, so in case of danger they can quickly take refuge inside the fortress. It is expected that the eldest sons of Kastrensiani would inherit the job of their fathers, defending the empire, their homes and their families to the last against the "barbarian menace".   Aside of defending their fortress many of these soldiers are ordered to patrol nearby roads, monitor enemy movements, or assist in the construction of public works or in arresting criminals.


Ripenses are the are the border troops in charge of guarding the coasts and rivers of the Empire. Their organization is a bit special since, despite being soldiers on board, they do not belong to the Imperial Navy, although in emergency situations they can act jointly with the Navy.   Most of these soldiers patrol the rivers and coasts in small and agile boats called "Lussoria" or "Liburna", designed to intercept the bands of pirates and looters that especially plague the northern coasts of the Moria Peninsula.
by Callyxtus
  Some of these units, such as the Barcari, survived the fall of Ikaria, becoming independent local defence forces, later going on to serve in various successor states of Ikaria.

Terms of Service and Training

The Limitanei are inferior to the soldiers of the Field armies or the Imperial Guard, but that doesn't mean that they are of poor quality or lack training. They are tough people and the first line of defense of the "civilized world" against the Barbarians and serve for a period of 20 years, after which the state gives them a plot of land near the fortress where they have served.   The soldiers stationed at the fortresses train almost everyday supervised by their respective officers. They practise archery, javelin and dart throwing, drills, and fencing, among other things. This makes them far superior than their barbarian tribal foes.   For most of their history the Limitanei have been professional soldiers, paid by the state and, because they are often recruited in the regions where they serve, the local population tend to have a more positive attitude towards them.

Main role

Their main role within the Imperial army and the Blatian strategy is to defeat the war bands that penetrate Imperial territory or, to hold the defense line as long as possible, either by wearing down the enemy or, if the enemy is very strong or numerous, making them lose time besieging the fortresses while the mobile field army gathers and marches towards the area to defeat the enemy.  
These brave soldiers are the example to follow for every self-respecting Blatian. Brave, courageous, patriotic, they risk everything to defend our country and their families. They are our first line of defense against the forces of Darkness, so I will not betray their loyalty and commitment by letting them die without the possibility of being rescued.
— Emperor Andronikos IX to his generals before the battle of Salinae (697 AP)
  But sometimes, when the Empire goes on the offensive, some of these units can send detachments, which are incorporated into the field army assembled for the occasion.   It also happens that when a new province is reconquered, a new field army is needed, so some of the Limitanei units that have taken part in these reconquest campaigns rise in rank and become units of the field army.

The Limitanei in popular culture and folklore

  Limitanei are often the subject of songs and epic poems depicting life at the frontier and the fighting and personal duels against barbarian chieftains and champions.   These songs are a way by the common people to exalt their patriotism and for many veterans to remember their time of service. There are entire cycles describing the exploits of these soldiers, many from different parts of the Blatian world, even before Blati absorbed most of the states in which these brave soldiers served.   Some of these have been recorded in writing, but many others are still uncollected and are only passed down orally by both commoners and bards.  

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Cover image: Blatian soldiers by Guiseppe Rava


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Jul 16, 2024 13:02 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love your art so much. :) I like these guys. They seem as though they would be quite tough from life on the frontier. I like how the officers wear proper armour when the other guys don't lol.

Aug 11, 2024 03:24 by Marjorie Ariel

I love your art! I particularly like the detail of the one solider chewing on a stalk of wheat. I also like the mention of their role in folklore in the sidebar.

Aug 16, 2024 10:55 by Menatith

I love the clear descriptions of their role and organisation and the sort of logistics around them! Your art is super cute and also very effective at communicating the important details.

Aug 25, 2024 21:56 by Mardrena Lockehart

I've been on a Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord binge lately and your art reminds me of some of the units. Love your artwork as always! It's my Swadi and I'll fight if I want to...

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.