Sun elf greetings

Greetings and expressions in the Sun Elf and, by extension, the Desert Elf worlds, are imbued with religious meaning.  

May the light of the Sun shine upon you

  This is the most common form of greeting for both Sun and Desert elves, the meaning of this greeting is to wish that the Sun God protects the person being greeted. The correct way to respond to this greeting is to say: May it shine shine upon you too.   Sun and Desert Elves take being polite very seriously and they will be really offended if you don't answer to their greetings. Just in case you're not very familiar with the elven language, either its more Classical form or the local dialect of Unhellion, when they greet you, a Sun or Desert Elf will point to the sky, then place their hand on their chest, where the heart is located and then extend the hand towards you, so, if you don't know elvish, just place your hand on your chest and then extend it towards the elf greeting you, he or she will be considered greeted.   The most common way for them to say goodbye is to repeat "May the light of the Sun shine upon you" or "May the Mother Goddess watch over you until we meet again".   As you can see most of their greetings are related to religion and the Gods.  

Blessed be the Sun! / Sun be praised!

This expression is the beginning of the The Book of Radiance, one of the holy books of the Elves, and especially important for the Sun Elves, with these words they always begin their prayers. This is an expression of suprise and joy, for example; when someone receives some good news or you see a friend or a relative you haven't seen in a while.

Cover image: Desert Elf greeting guest by Callyxtus


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Aug 1, 2024 22:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I really like the detail that you can just gesture if you don't know Elvish and they won't take offense.