
Tiruz is Unhelion's second largest city, with around 200.000 inhabitants . It is situated in the Wetlands, The birthplace of the Sun elf civilization and home to the Batheryn, the first Sun Elves (who are the the main ethnic group of the city) and the wealthiest region in all Unhelion, thanks to its fertile soil due to the flooding of the rivers Tayn, Fariz and Natyn.   Specifically this city is located between the rivers Tayn and Fariz.


The Old capital

Tiruz is one of the oldest cities in Unhellion. It was the capital of the Sun Elf 1st Dynasty (ca.5900 BP-3000 BP). The city lies at the eastern end of the Royal Highway, which links the kingdom's major cities to the capital, Ymhilean. It's river port was, before the estabishment of the new capital, the busiest port in all th realm, and the Sun Elf Kings ruled as almost divine beings from the citadel on top of the mount El-Amar.   The city suffered somewhat from the loss of its capital status to Ymhilean from the Second Dynasty onwards. But it quickly recovered, as in the following centuries the subsequent monarchs from the followed dynasties transform it into one of the main trade centers of Unhellion. Its river port is second only to Ymhillean's great river port.


The city is also famous for their high quality fabrics, especially linen and cotton, which are produced in large quantities in this region, and olive oil. This is one of the few places in the continent Karia, outside of the regions bathed by the Interior Sea where olive trees grow. This olive oil is exported to all the corners of the kingdom, and beyond. Sun elves use it both for cooking and also as fuel for their oil lamps.


Pleasure city

Since the 2nd millenia BP the city has also become famous for being a Pleasure city and an ideal place for gamblers. Brothels are a very common site in the neighbourhoods near the river, west of the fortress of Fanion yr Yluas (The fortress of the Sun). These area is known in the local dialect as Dayr el- Agarb or "The Temple of Desire".   Gambling and gaming is usually done in special "Houses of Games" authorized by the local authorities, which pay an special tax in order to be free to engage in games, bets, and in some cases also prostitution within them. These game houses are located in three places; near the city's market, near the river port and also in a little island, called the Pearl Island in the middle of the river Tayn, only accesible by boat. The most popular games played at these places are dice or card games.

Famous monuments

  • Fortress of Fanion yr Yluas: Known in the local dialect as "Qasr El-Yluas", it means The fortress of the Sun it was built in the 1200 BP and rebuilt in 280 BP. It controls the intersection between the rivers Fariz and Tayn and is defended by a regiment of the Sun Elf King's very own royal guard.
  • Temple of Paryn: Paryn was, according to elven mythology, the daughter of the god of water and the goddess of moisture, and granddaughter of the goddess of the Earth. She is the goddess of water life as well as of the flooding of the rivers. She is represented as a young pale girl with blue eyes and blonde skin with a sword on her left hand, with which, when shaken in the water, the flooding of the rivers of the Wetlands occurs. Her cult was very extended in the Wetlands and was adopted later by the Anthynneryn.
  • Temple of Meleth: Goddess of love, eroticism and sex. Being a city famous for its "carnal pleasures". It is logical that there is a temple dedicated to this goddess. Here, young people go to pray to find their true love or to give thanks for having found it. It is also said that boys and girls must make an offering to the goddess and pray in front of her statue after losing their virginity.

Famous people born in Tiruz

Tiruz was the birthplace of Físyalyl Silverdrift, famous bard and calligrapher who lived in the 2nd century BP. His works are exhibited at the entrance of the temple of the Sun, at the foot of Mount El-Amar.    


  Since the 5th century the city and its territory had been ruled (in the name of the King) by the House Sharpflower, a house that it is said, can trace its origins to the rulers of the 4th dynasty!. Its current ruler, Alarfyn Sharpflower is the current Minister of Trade and Minting, and is very loved by the people of the city.

Cover image: by Ananda C. Arán


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Jul 27, 2024 22:54 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love a city with a long history. I like the fact it was the former capital and now is something of a pleasure city. :) Yaaay, olive oil!