Worldember 2021 Pledge in Yeia | World Anvil

Worldember 2021 Pledge

I pledge to write at least 10.000 words for this WorldEmber 2021
WorldEmber is almost here!!!, and like this year's Summer Camp, this Worldember 2021 will also be the first for me!! and i'm very excited!!.

My Goal

My goal this WorldEmber is to expand the lore of Yeia, adding religions, languages, creatures, conflicts, magical laws... that i haven't talked about yet, as the world is slowly by steadly "taking shape". For example, i only covered one member of Yuuya's adventurers squad when i wrote the article about Crysanthos for the Hero Challenge, so i want to talk more about them. Other article that i'm certainly going to write is one about some peculiar creatures that once dominated the world but now are scarcely found in some specific regions of Yeia, the famous and almost mythical Dragon Birds. So the ideas for articles for this Worldember will be as follows:


  • NellerlĂ« of Astan: Yuuya's best friend, amateur sorcerer and the finest archer in Banias's Adventurers Guild.
  • Vedius Yvianregus (The Dragon King): King of Dubria, a post-Ikarian Kingdom (today the homonimous province of the Blatian Empire), Scourge of Crorai and Nords, his feats and the legend of his peculiar mascot are still told by bards in Blati and across the Sea.
  • Almaric of Tapuy: Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Light


  • Dragon Birds: Once proud kings of the planet, today they can only be found in certain regions around the world. Sacred for some, a menace for others, they are some of the most famous creatures in the Mythology of Yeia.


  • The Kallians: The ancient davidovian people that inhabited the Kallian Plains, before they were conquered by their Ikarian cousins.


  • War of the Walls of Fire: The last and most epic siege of the capital of the Blatian Empire
  • Battle of Saventia: The battle that gave birth to the Kingdom of Cloudia


  • Drelnenorwin Fortress: Impressive fortification and last stronghold of the Ikarian/Blatian civilization in the Old South.
  • Blati: Famous capital of the Blatian Empire and biggest city in Yeia


  • Ikarian: The official language of the Ikarian Empire
  • Blatian: The descendant or for some, last stage of the Ikarian language, the language of the Blatians, the last representatives of the Ikarian civilization.
  • Classical Elvish: The standard koine spoken across the elven realms and the language of culture for some states across Yeia.


  • Ikarian Religion: The religion of the Ikarian Empire and its successor states.
  • Followers of Yemmu: One of the main faiths of Yeia at the present day.

Military Unit:

  • The Golden Guard: One of the most famous units of the Blatian Imperial Guard.


  • "Light" Magic: For many, the only way to use magic is respecting the rules set by the Gods and nature.
So, probably I won't be able to finish all of them, but the articles that i won't be able to complete this Worldember will be done after December. So these are my ideas for this Worldember 2021. Best of luck to everybody, hope you achieve your goals, i cannot wait to see the amazing articles you're going to write, and lastly, i hope you'll find my articles interesting!!!.
See you in WorldEmber!!!.

Cover image: by Sidharth Chaturvedi


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Nov 28, 2021 21:37 by Stormbril

Dragon birds! That sounds fascinating :D   You've got a lot of great ideas here to build off of, I wish you great luck with World Ember and completing your goal!

Nov 28, 2021 21:45

Thank You very much Stormbril for your comment!!!. Best of luck to you too with World Ember, hope you also complete your goals and have fun writing your articles!!!

Nov 29, 2021 07:48 by Catoblepon


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Nov 29, 2021 19:53

I see that Cato strongly approves de idea!!! hehe. Hope i don't dissapoint you with that article. Also best of luck with WorldEmber!!! . I can't wait to see your articles!!

Nov 29, 2021 06:44

Amazing! You've got so many interesting things lined up for World Ember, I cannot wait to read them all. Best of luck and have lots of fun this year! :D

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Nov 29, 2021 20:02

Thank you very much!!! I'm so glad that you liked my article ideas for WorldEmber!. Also best of luck to you too and also have fun writing and reading articles during the challenge!!!

Nov 29, 2021 13:11 by TJ Trewin

DRAGON BIRDS!!! Awesome pledge - good luck with your goal for WorldEmber :D I'm excited to see what you make

Journals of Yesteryear

Nov 29, 2021 20:09

Ohh thank you very much for your comment Melior!!, Thank you also for taking time to read my pledge and for following my world!. I'm also excited to read your articles as well. Hope i don't dissapoint you with the Dragon Birds and the rest of the articles!!.

Nov 29, 2021 14:41

As with many others, I am looking forward to the Dragon Birds. Best of luck with your goal this WorldEmber.

Feel free to stop by some of my WorldEmber articles if you want. My favorites are The Book of the Unquiet Dead, Outpost of the Moons, and The Emerald Hills. Feedback is always appreciated.
Nov 29, 2021 20:15

Good luck to you too and hope you also achieve your goals!!!. Also thank you for your comment!!. Yes, many of you are very excited with the Dragon Birds article, and, as i said, hope the article (and the creature) doesn't dissapoint you.