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He influences souls to use every encounter with another person to their advantage. He captures souls who are desiring or despairing to use the misfortune of others to their profit. He is ultimately selfish and cares for no one but himself, and passes that attitude on to his mortal followers. Cyric constantly attempts to make deals with the other gods, and his lies lead mortals to carry out evil in the world.\\   Cyric's church pledges to spread strife everywhere, supporting cruel rulers and indulge in intrigue. His church is often beset by internal feuds and backstabbing. Clerics pray for spells at night after moonrise. Solar Eclipses are holy days known as a Day of the Dark Sun, accompanied by feasts, fervent prayer, and bloody sacrifices.

Divine Domains

Lies   Cleric Domain: Trickery
Divine Classification
5th Age Deity
Chaotic Evil


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