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Ehlonna Mielikki

Ehlonna Mielikki watches over all good people who live in the forest, love the woodlands or make their livelihood there. She likewise protects forests and woodlands from destruction or overuse. Ehlonna exhorts her followers to live in harmony with their woodland homes, taking only what they need. The bounty of the forest, Ehlonna teaches, is a gift to be cherished and appreciated, not a treasure to be coveted or looted.

Divine Domains

Woodlands   Cleric Domain: Nature  


Following Ehlonna Mielikki means dedicating yourself to the wild forests. As a follower of Ehlonna, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Nature. The forest is my home and I must care for it.
3 Community. All the creatures of the woodlands are my family.
4 Liberty. I have no desire to be shackled to the wants of others.
5 Destiny. The goddess will lead me to where I need to be.
6 Acceptance. The world is full of strangeness. I don’t need to understand it - it just is.

Tenets of Faith

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Ehlonna Mielikki when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Protecting the natural world from harm
  • Encouraging humanoids, beasts and fey to live in harmony
  • Spending time in quiet isolation
Your piety score to Ehlonna decreases if you diminish Ehlonna’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Allowing violence to be perpetrated against a forest or other site of natural beauty
  • Angering a servant of Ehlonna such as a dryad or a unicorn

Piety 3+

As a devotee of Ehlonna Mielikki, you have drawn the notice of the goddess of the woodlands. You can cast hail of thorns with this trait, a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.   In addition, you know the druidcraft cantrip. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Piety 10+

You can cast speak with plants with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.

Piety 25+

You are a friend to the woodlands. They alert you where possible. You cannot be surprised while you are within an area where life is natural.

Piety 50+

You can increase your Wisdom or Dexterity score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
5th Age Deity
Neutral Good


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