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Tharizdun is considered the most powerful and the most evil lich in history. He rose to godhood, becoming the god of dark wizards. A deity hungry for power found and seized a shard of pure evil. This god, Tharizdun, found his mind and spirit opened to the obyriths trapped in their dying darkness. The link to those foul beings corrupted him in an instant, driving the deity to madness. But the obyriths' plan to seize the celestial realms controlled by Tharizdun and his kind was met with resistance and a twist they had not anticipated. The obyriths demanded that the deity plant the seed of evil within the Astral Sea, promising him total dominion of that realm in exchange for his fealty. Even within his madness, Tharizdun recognized that his fellow gods would turn on him before he could fully seize the power the obyriths promised. Instead, the mad god traveled to the farthest reaches of the cosmos, planting the seed of evil in a primordial expanse of the churning Elemental Chaos, the realm of the fallen primordials, which he hoped to seize as his own. This seed eventually grew into the Abyss, and though the act gained him great power, his fellow gods temporarily put aside their differences in order to imprison him. His followers hoped to set him free.   Tharizdun seeks to supplant the other gods, and rule over the universe. For this, he is feared and hated by the other gods. So feared is Tharizdun that worship of him is punishable by death.

Divine Domains

Dark Wizards   Cleric Domain: Arcana
Divine Classification
9th Age Deity
Chaotic Evil


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