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Umberlee Habbakuk

Umberlee Habbakuk is most often worshiped by sailors or explorers traveling by sea, out of fear of her destructive powers and reverence for her everlasting beauty. She controls the harshness of the sea while reveling in her own power and is not hesitant to drown people, if she so pleases. Her interests are generally directed at animals of all kinds. She also represents loyalty and obedience to the whole. She promotes persistence of truths that promote good. She has a strong presence in the world through patronage of druids and rangers. In times of war and crisis she directs her efforts towards the renewal of life.

Tenets of Faith

Pay her price. Crossing her waters is always a risky venture unless she is at your back. Pay homage, and coin, to her for her blessings at sea.
Greater good. The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few. Loyalty to your crew is greater than loyalty to yourself.
The truth is the path of righteousness. The truth is a great force, but only when used for the right cause. Tell the truth when you can, but hide it when it is for a greater cause.
Self expression. Just as her waters and waves thrash and calm as she does, you should not hide your emotions but instead use them to guide you. You know yourself better than anyone else knows you.
Maiden voyage. To truly understand her will, set sail for the horizon when you come of age. With no destination, your mission is to find your place in the world through her guidance.
Accept her gifts. The gifts we receive from the depths of the sea are for us to cherish, favoring gifts from the forest are forbidden. (Carry a seafood focused diet.)
Final rites. Only the drowned may ascend to her realm. Lay fallen followers in a boat set to sail with a gold piece under their tongue, she will carry them to their final destination.

Temples and Clergy

The clergy of Umberlee Habbakuk have been baptized in the sea. Their general disposition is to go with the flow and help the travelers who arrive at their doorstep. The members of the clergy can be identified by their creative uses of fish net as clothing, along with burlap and canvas adorned with coral, seashells, fish bones and scales.
The temples take the form of overturned ships, with dark insides lit by several hanging oil lamps, often magically swaying as if at sea. Often found in the temple is an alter covered in barnacles and/or built from coral, either naturally or artificially. Atop the alter is generally a green glass bowl filled with salt water. Many temples have an attached lighthouse and second side building where they can guide weary travelers to shore and give them a warm dry place to rest on land.

Umberlee's Maw

Umberlee's Maw is the greatest temple to the goddess of the sea, lying at the entrance of the shipping docks in the crown city of Basan overlooking the great bay. It stands among the clay architecture of the oasis city in the visage of a great sand castle. The sea's waves crash into the lower floor of the temple during high tide. Upon entrance to the grand hall visitors are greeted with flowing fountains around the walls all emptying into a large raised basin. At the center of the basin is a grand alter made of pink and orange corals. The basin itself is a large dragon turtle shell on its back and swimming in it are schools of small colorful fish and sea rays eating the algae growing in and around the ribs in the shell.  

Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Umberlee when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Giving due tribute to the ocean in the form of something that matters to you
  • Taking a sea journey having secured Umberlee’s favour
  • Showing reverence and deference to the dangers of the ocean
Your piety score to Umberlee decreases if you diminish Umberlee’s influence in the world or contradict her ideals through acts such as these:
  • Traveling by sea when the omens are dark and against the wishes of the goddess
  • Not offering due tribute from any spoils gained at sea
Divine Domain
Animals & Sea
Cleric Domains
Tempest & Nature
Divine Classification
5th Age Deity
Chaotic Neutral
Associated Saints and Demi-gods:
Fharlanghn O'lidimmara the Traveler 


Following Umberlee Habbakuk means dedicating your life to the dangers of the open sea. As a follower of Umberlee, consider the ideals below as alternatives to those suggested for your background.  
d6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Wealth. Tribute is how people should show they love me.
3 Risk. The sea is a capricious and fickle mistress. I must match it in daring if I am to survive.
4 Courage. Nothing terrifies me as much as the thought of ending my days in a watery grave.
5 Passion. Life is short. Opportunities for happiness are limited. Seize them without regret.
6 Cruelty. You think this is bad? Try sailing the Sea of Stars at midnight in a thunderstorm. That’s real suffering.
Being Domain Piety 3+ Piety 10+ Piety 25+ Piety 50+
You can cast fog cloud with
this trait. Fog created in this
way smells strongly of the
sea. You can cast the spell in
this way a number of times
equal to your Intelligence
modifier (minimum of once).
You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest. 
Intelligence is your 
spellcasting ability for this
You can cast blink with this trait.
As you blink in and out of
existence you emit a light mist
of sea water. Once you cast
the spell in this way, you
cannot do so again until you
finish a long rest. Intelligence is
your spellcasting ability
for this spell.
You are inspired
by the
nature of the sea;
you have advantage
on saving throws
against being charmed
or restrained.
You can
increase your
Dexterity or
score by 2 and
also Increase
your maximum
for that score by 2.
Fharlanghn O'lidimmara
the Traveler
You learn the prestidigitation cantrip. You can cast gift of gab
with this trait. Once you
cast the spell in this way,
you cannot do so again until
you finish a long rest.
Charisma is your spellcasting
ability for this spell
Hiddukel  Greed You may cast distort value with
this trait. You can cast the spell
in this way a number of times
equal to your Dexterity modifier
(minimum of once). You regain
all expended uses when you
finish a long rest. Dexterity is
your spellcasting ability for this
You can cast incite greed with
this trait. Once you cast the
spell in this way, you cannot
do so again until you finish
a long rest. Charisma is
your spellcasting ability
for this spell.


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